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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. We need John brown back. He’s like our Kenny stills when the Texans has Hopkins. When stills played the offense was lights out but when he didn’t they were slow.
  2. The Steelers are so good. They have a great defense every year and now with Ben healthy are super bow favorites IMO.
  3. beats me. But if only 39 people are serious I doubt they lock down
  4. Sweden has 83 k covid cases right now with 39 of them considered serious. The others have mild to no symptoms.
  5. The nazis were not socialists. We were also not friendly with them.
  6. john brown is out. we are the walking wounded. i caught myself talking myself into antonio brown
  7. gotta love biden's response to the 94 crime bill being a mistake and that they've made up for by letting the people out of prison. like that makes it all better.
  8. take a look at the trafalgar group polls. they predicted the 2016 election. they have trump winning arizona, wisconsin, michigan , florida, n carolina but losing pa.
  9. now do the polls where except for pa its a percent or two in each direction. within margin of error
  10. that's not exactly true. why do you think the left changed their tune on the protests and riots and suddenly stopped covering them? cause it was hurting their polls. trump is up or at least even in idaho. he's managed to tighten up even the left leaning polls in those battleground states. coinflips or he is winning in the southeast, zona and idaho. pa is the one it could come down to if he keeps his momentum going in those states. it doesn't matter what he does if he cant close pa unless he pulls wisconsin or mich
  11. if trump wins zona, Florida Georgia NC, Ohio pa he wins. Do the math
  12. it’s a toss up in Florida zona, NC is within a point on the site you posted. Georgia as well. He’s got work to do in pa for sure
  13. I’m familiar with the map. Trump wins zona. The southeast and Idaho on that map which is all pretty likely imo. Pa is the one he needs to flip. If he can’t it’s over for him
  14. democrats lead in early voting every election. Trump will win NC, Florida, ga, oh etc. comes down to if he can flip pa and Biden didn’t do himself favors tonight. It’s gonna be tight. Remember there is that silent voter like in 2016.
  15. polls are tight. Comes down to Pennsylvania most likely. Wins there and he is president
  16. Joe gonna head back home until election night now.
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