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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. If we don’t win in convincing fashion I will never like mcd.
  2. The left cheered on huge protests and riots all summer. During which time huge upticks of deaths and spread occurred. Then blamed trump for the spread even though he was against said riots. Think about that.
  3. Its common sense right? Millions and millions of people in confined spaces. The issue is nobody is allowed to study if the blm protests spread the virus as they would become canceled as racists. I have no issue with people using their constitutional right to protest but to say it caused zero spread is just stupid.
  4. If those rallies caused 700 deaths Than how many did the riots and protests cause? 10s of thousands? Hundreds of thousands of cases?
  5. Millions and millions of people protested all summer and trump told them to stay home. But they didn’t
  6. he's got speed which is always great. but so does edmunds. maybe in this scheme he can pull his career together but im not holding my breath
  7. zero excuses this week. should stomp them
  8. im gonna bet every penny i have on the titans if glennon plays
  9. what level of stupidity is protesting during a pandemic?
  10. excellent wayne's world reference. i've had some hilarious experiences over the years buying and selling homes. you think you 've seen the craziest person and then nope there is someone crazier oh yea. think about it like this....the house is the only one in the world with that land, features, location, etc etc. literally the only one. seller needs to execute original deal or else they're gonna pay up some money. unless there is something with the buyers offer that wasnt completed. checks, signed docs etc. lied about their ability to actually close
  11. unless they didnt get their dd and earnest money in they have an executed deal. not sure what the selling agent is doing here. only the buyers can get out in reality. sellers are locked in as long as buyers execute the deal and are ok with the property. i forget the term but essentially it means that in the entire world there is only one property like this one and therefore you are denying the buyers the chance at buying a unique property.
  12. Get John brown healthy and let’s see what happens. the one step quick throw over middle to beasley was a classic pats to Edelman throw. They need to do that twice a game from now on. I think it put us in fg range
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