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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. very intersting the gop got the largest minority vote in 60 years. should be a sign of things to come.
  2. again, the effects are still being felt from those bills. it's not like they just had an effect on those years. the dems just spent four years labeling trump bad for minorities and turned hypocrites by electing a guy who has a far worse history on minorities. you want to vote for a democrat...all for it. but don't label the right racists or bad for minorities when you go and put this guy in office.
  3. well you attempted to change the subject to trump. Sure jails were filling since the 70s and that had to do with nixon and the drug war but then you have the acts biden passed that threw gas on the fire. Here's the main issue here though. Trrump has been labeled as doing doing damage to minorities and being this racist guy who is just out to get them. You have the BLM movement that has talked about how blacks get more time in prison than whites and get arrested more etc. All of which is true. You can look back and go...man I understood why they passed these bills but that's not how it works. They created policy that ended up seriously causing damage to minorities. If you stand back and look objectively at it who has done worse things over the last 30 years to the minority communities in this country? Biden or Trump? It's Biden and there is not even an argument you could make that Trump is in the ballpark. But yet who gets all the blame? Trump. Why is that? So the democrats have elected a guy who in my opinion is a guy responsible for much of the racial divide in this country for the last 25 years with the policies that he has created.
  4. see now you’re deflecting. I’m not saying trump isn’t a racist. But if you’re gonna try and compare trump to Biden and the numbers of minority lives ruined you ain’t coming close. You voted in a guy who may have ruined more minority lives than anyone in modern history. They’re tearing down monuments of people who did less to minorities than Biden has and now he’s being elected president. Face it.
  5. When you create policy that ruins millions or tens of millions of people’s lives over the past several decades I’m not so sure you get to become president. You wanna vote democrat. All for it. But you own Biden’s past. The laws he passed still have a huge effect on society to this very day. They didn’t just have effects on those particular years. It’s still going on
  6. Imagine trump creating 86 drug act and the 94 bill. What would the media say? How would he be treated?
  7. so the police don’t actually sentence people for crimes. In the 86 law there were mandatory minimum sentences enacted for drug offenses. Crack was treated much harsher than cocaine and I forget the ratio but it was treated as being 10 times worse than a cocaine conviction or something like that. Crack is much cheaper and therefore minorities got crushed. You can blame the cops and that’s what the elected officials would want you to but they ain’t the problem. FYI the crack and cocaine ratio wasn’t changed until Obama changed it in 2010. The mandatory minimums caused prison populations to soar something like 700 percent. Again, the cops didn’t write those rules. Biden did. And they just elected him. looked it up 5 grams of crack got you 5 years. 50 grams and under of cocaine got no time. 500 grams of coke got you 5 years.
  8. do we know how the 18k overseas ballots already counted voted? And Jesus Christ this is gonna take forever
  9. I’m aware of why it was passed. It ended up having devastating effects on minorities. So you have elected the face of that bill. Call a trump a racist..fine. But there is a guy who is worse that just took office
  10. FYI it was Biden who called the minorities predators not me I should have used quotations. Biden help write the 86 drug bill and the 94 crime bill. Both had devastating effects on the minorities.
  11. Not talking about his press conference. But you can’t deny the media celebrating creating division Are they rioting and burning places down? If that happens I’ll eat my words but so far people chanting isn’t exactly scaring anyone and by the looks of them if the cops came in force they’d walk right home.
  12. Ok but that wasn’t happening this time but neat deflection. The media has gaslighted the country into division and they managed to get a guy who has a history of being far more racist than trump ever has elected. Think about that. The funny thing is you spent four years calling every trump voter a racist and now it’s completely flipped. Weird times
  13. you do realize the left has been rioting the last couple nights and half the stores in the country boarded up their windows for fear of left wingers burning them down
  14. lol forgot signatures or something. there really has to be a better way to track votes in this country. how many shares of stocks get traded on a daily basis in this country? i think its like 5 billion or something and everyone is easily tracked. i think we can track 150 million votes on time.
  15. also apparently 8k republican ballots need to be cured and they are attempting to do that now.
  16. nyt reporting camden, bryan and randoplh counties reporting more votes. camden and bryan heavily trump. randolph is 3k votes total and biden took by 400 or so. trump might just have enough to hang on. certainly going to be close. gonna be a coin flip to guess right now
  17. you know what the silver lining is for this election? if biden wins you elected a guy who has done more to destroy minorities in modern american history. so the four narrative of you calling everyone trumper a racist has now been flipped on to you. congrats
  18. Biden creates 94 crime bill which leads to mass incarceration for the predator minorities. leading to huge racial divide in the country and having to reform those mistakes decades later. blame trump for the racial divide and elect the guy who actually is the reason for the problem. classic. i guess in a way it's smart to elect the guy who created the problem though.
  19. 25k votes left to count in georgia and trump has over an 18k lead. looks like georgia to him. arizona biden lead came down overnight from 93k to about 69k with him getting 57 percent of the first maricopa county vote which is the percentage the trump team said they needed to get. plenty more votes to go though.
  20. she spit in his face twice which is simple assault. and he probably wants to know if the chick has the rona. she needs to learn how to act in society like the rest of us or be taken out of it.
  21. the media and pollsters and the dems don’t understand that either. Instead they just blindly call them racists
  22. now do four years of what the media said about trump? It goes both ways for sure.
  23. yes I said temporarily thank you for repeating what I said. But they are not throwing out votes they want all of them counted. Just to be clear
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