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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. you elected a guy with a much worse political record than Trump has. And you’re dancing around trying to justify it. You’ve already admitted it’s far worse than what Trump has done. btw Biden and Obama deported far more than trump ever did and do you think kids were only raped under trump? Hard no. Probably going on longer but i can’t blame Biden or Trump for the acts of those people. Here’s my issue. Biden wrote the bills and got them passed. He faced no consequences for them. I can accept him apologizing for it but I can’t understand how he gets to be the leader of the free world. We’ve spent years blaming trump for dividing the country. But when you step back and look at the reasons we’re divided you realize Biden had far more responsibility for that than Trump. So that’s where the hypocrisy comes in. You voted in the guy who is causing the violence in the streets
  2. I’m not completely familiar but didn’t like half the government there get arrested for embezzling the disaster relief?
  3. So at least you admit Biden has a far worse record as a politician than trump does. Definitely deserved another chance to get it right! How many people ended up dying because of his policies? The things that go along with being in prison, getting out and having nothing of a future so you just end up dying one way or another? But I’m sure glad joe said he was sorry.
  4. how about we settle this. Between trumps policies and Biden’s who have ruined more lives? The 86 bill, 94 bill and anything trump has done?
  5. good thing he actually had nothing to do with the case and how it was tried. There is a difference between some guy having an opinion and our elected leaders passing bills that wound up ruining millions of lives. I mean the two couldn’t be further apart
  6. good for him for admitting he was wrong for ruining millions of families. I’m sure they’re cool with it. I do find this very amusing in you trying to explain your hypocrisy.
  7. I believe the issue is that they hadn’t paid their fines from their court cases.
  8. Well the issue of the year is the blm movement right? Besides covid. Biden’s bills are a large reason that movement exists because of how it destroyed the black community. It’s like hiring the guy who started the fire to put out the fire. It makes no sense.
  9. Trump wasn’t in office. You’re right he may have supported them at the time but when he got to office he did the opposite and put forth the first step act which helped ex cons. Biden’s bills were so bad there is no reason he ever should have been allowed back in office. That’s the problem here. ***** lifelong pols that ruin America. But he gets a pass cause he’s a democrat. Hypocrisy
  10. that doesn’t mean he gets a pass. The people whose lives were destroyed certainly didn’t. Funny how it’s so easy to look past how terrible your candidates history is when it suits you. If he was a republican you would be saying the same things I am. As far as policy goes. Trumps record with minorities is far far better than Biden’s and that is a fact not an opinion. Do I wish Biden success? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think he he’s a giant piece of ***** who has ruined countless lives in this country with his irresponsible policy and for him to continue to be in government despite all of that is what’s wrong with our government. but then Trump later condemned white nationalism so therefore all is forgiven right? Your words
  11. The issue is his history of passing bills that devastated minority communities that still have lasting effects to this day. I’m enjoying the left trying to justify voting for him despite his truly terrible history. All I keep hearing is..it seemed like a good idea at the time. Four years of being called a kkk member if you showed any support for trump. Now they put a guy in office that is one of the reasons the blm movement exists so that they can fight the policies established by Biden!
  12. Republicans need to keep the seats to keep government in check
  13. hawks have no rb's so that should mean we can just stick to stopping that pass game. but jesus we cannot seem to get a healthy second db on this squad. we try every year and it never works out
  14. probably the same thing that will happen if bidens son gets convicted along with biden right? is that how this goes?
  15. I think the main part that people should realize is how the media manipulated the country. It's scary. It doesn't matter what side you're on you should realize how they were a huge part of dividing the country. I pray Biden does a great job cause that means we all succeed but the group of minorities in this country that has been protesting and rioting for their rights the past 8 years or however should be scared. Joe's history with race is not great and that's where the violence could continue. Trump needs to think about his post president image and he could actually have some decent success if he plays it right. The first step act, lgbt added to the 64 civil rights act, great economy etc. A decent publicist could do that. He could actually propel a lot of success into 2024 if the republicans keep their momentum with minorities. Politicians can't be trusted so my general thought is you vote for the one that will steal from you less. Also, the republicans you generally know what you're getting out of them. WIth the democrats you have no idea and that's never a good thing. They usually claim the moral high ground and later on we see what actually happened.
  16. what question then? you have failed to even acknowledge the effects the bill had on people and have turned this into some game.
  17. i already answered it. yes, in fact everyone who voted for him indeed is a racist hypocrite how about you admit that the consequences from the bills he passed had devastating results for the minorities which are far worse than trump has ever even close to have done.
  18. yes people thought it was a great idea at the time. Obvious it passed so it was. that doesn’t negate the fact that it ended up having dire consequences for minorities.
  19. So are you saying that because it was a good idea at the time it’s still a good idea? That’s every response I get when bringing it up. It seemed like a good idea at the top so it’s ok it ended up having devastating effects on the minorities in the country. Yes just like you said anybody supporting trump was a card carrying member of the kkk. You are now a complete racist for supporting Biden and the damage he’s responsible for that he has admitted to being wrong.
  20. Lol he wrote an article mother of god. Biden wrote the 86 drug bill and the 94 crime bill both of which are huge reasons if not the reasons the blm movement exists today. When comparing which guy has done more damage to minorities you can’t even come close to arguing trump had done 1 percent the damage Biden’s bills did to the minority community in this country. Congrats on being a hypocrite. Trump has a lot of faults but Biden’s history is so bad it’s laughable
  21. No it’s not it’s just hypocrisy. Just as I’ve laid out how you managed to vote in a more racist candidate than Trump has ever been. Just pure hypocrisy on the left and it’s beautiful to see.
  22. the left discussed the 25th starting the day he was elected so you can't exactly claim the high ground here.
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