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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Just hold him out until the Pittsburgh game
  2. And he’s never faced the consequences for his actions. People are supposed to be voted out for being poor politicians. In your eyes trump isn’t responsible for covid right?
  3. you’re actually the first person to just agree with that and not try to justify what he did. That’s a good start
  4. I’m pointing out facts not opinions. You can’t deny his policies created a horrible environment for minorities in this country
  5. I’m not sure how you justify it in your minds. But facts are facts bud. Sooner you realize the guys ***** past policies the better
  6. because you voted for joe Biden the guy whose past policies in the 86 drug bill and 94 crime bills locked up half of black America. You know
  7. The left called every trump supporter a racist kkk member the last four years. And now they want people on the right to come together. First they need to start rolling out some serious apologizes for that *****.
  8. I thought al the cities that boarded up were because right wingers were gonna riot? Oh wait we’re not children it was because the democrats were gonna burn down cities
  9. he also co wrote the 86 drug bill. I swear to god I’m gonna go crazy if hear that it seemed like a good idea at the time as some way to justify Biden not being responsible for destroying minorities. It’s such a god awful stupid take
  10. Hold the senate and work on getting the house and president back in four years. Just like when you bring up joes career highlights and all I hear is...well his ideas don’t work out but they were a good idea at the time I think that’s how his president will go.
  11. When you look back on trumps presidency him winding the wars and bringing troops home will be great positives. I’m worried someone will try and test Biden. The media wanted a trump war so badly and he managed to avoid that. It’s funny the media promised wars and all Trump did was create Middle East peace deals.
  12. more than one thing can be true. I hope Biden does well as president. But the fact is you raged for four years about Trump being racist and then you went ahead and voted in a guy that is factually worse on minorities. You keep doing the what about trump and his record but yet can only point to some fairly small issues. Just admit Biden’s record on minorities is worse than trumps and we can move on.
  13. you’re not going to win any argument based on Biden’s record with minorities. Your only response is likely “it seemed like a good idea at the time” or “it was a bipartisan deal”.face it you elected a worse guy than trump and it’s hilarious how you’re trying to justify it. 535 kids compared to tens of millions of lives ruined? Ok bud.
  14. Here’s the facts. None of those comments actually had an effect on minority communities. Biden’s bills literally ruined people’s lives. Millions or tens of millions of lives. But facts
  15. We know what he meant. And based on how the bill ended up screwing over the minority communities we definitively know what he meant.
  16. I didn’t use the word super so it was correct. His effect on minorities has been devastating.
  17. I’m quite enjoying pointing out your blatant hypocrisy. It’s nice seeing your racism come right out into the open.
  18. I understand it’s tough to come to grips that you managed to vote in a guy who has had a much worse effect on minorities in their country than Trump has.
  19. but russsia! How did Russia not put the fix in this time? Was trump too hard on them? Or what happened?
  20. Biden won. No problem. I find it hilarious that the left managed to vote in a guy with an absolutely horrendous record on minorities. Four years of calling trump supporters kkk and now they can actually point to you that Biden has destroyed minority communities. And the only excuse you have is that Biden apologized. He said sorry so it’s all ok. How about you apologize for four years of throwing out baseless racist claims? True colors have been shown
  21. this seems to be an addiction or battered wife syndrome. We keep electing these piece of ***** politicians who have been in politics for 40 years and creating terrible policy and when they come up for election they apologize it’s all ok. I believe you this time. The guy created some or most of the issues happening in this country and you’re just ok with the apology. You’ve admitted he’s been a worse politician than trump but you’re ok with an apology which somehow makes him better than Trump. Trump isn’t perfect and he’s been responsible for some bad calls. But stepping back you cannot claim any of his policies have been remotely close to Biden’s. It needs to stop. We’re just going to keep staying divided electing guys who create the division.
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