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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. What a play by edmunds and then Wallace! Oh man I hope this is a sign of things to come
  2. he had to of in the 400 yard game now that I think. This is fun
  3. Amazing how far the hawks d has fallen. Hope we can keep this up!
  4. The hawks haven’t really beat anyone kind of like us. Should be a good game
  5. If you ***** up as bad as Biden did you don’t give that person a chance to be near public policy again. So no I wouldn’t vote either party if they had a reputation like his.
  6. Yea no sense trying to learn from the past. Better to just ignore it and let bad ***** keep happening right? Makes you sleep good for a while until we repeat the past mistakes.
  7. so he’s not racist but creates policies that destroy minority communities. trump created policies that helped minority communities but he’s racist.
  8. the policies have not been fully corrected. That’s false. My point is we’ve heard for how many years about systemic racism and we just elected a guy who helped create systemic racism. You can also look at the crisis back then as a pandemic and he couldn’t have ***** up the response for that any worse. Now he’s in charge of this? Great
  9. pointing out Biden’s bad policy is the opposite of racism. Is this how you have a conversation with someone? When they point out facts you just call them racist?
  10. People that are oppressed often vote for their oppressors. Look it up. I’ve laid out very clearly Biden’s history on race. You’ve completely glossed over it and ignore it.
  11. You just choose to blindly ignore Biden’s history in politics. He did more to divide this country than trump ever did. Now he’s been elected. How do you not realize that? Just think about it man
  12. you do realize his policies are still in effect and are still hurting people to this day right?
  13. quite the opposite. Biden factually has a history of creating systemic racism with his policies. I don’t hope he creates more awful policies but his history is not even good. We’re literally still seeing effects of his bad policies at work to this very day. I hope for a better future but electing a failed politician does not give me hope.
  14. I wanted trump because I thought it would be a four year experiment and the country would realize electing career pols is bad decision. And that this election we’d get a decent democrat candidate. Btw I voted democrat until Hillary. The party is too cult like and they have underlying racism that is now coming to the surface.
  15. to have nothing? I don’t base my life on my politicians. But I want to see the country to better. I don’t want to see us elect people that have failed our country for 50 years and somehow get elected again. You have an addiction to being abused. It’s sad. so do you realize you’ve been manipulated by the media to vote for some ideal candidate but then you pull back the curtains all the guy has done his entire career is be a piece of *****? Do you think that will change? It’s that manipulation that is scary. And racist
  16. yup and think about how the dems lost any moral high ground they thought they had by electing a guy who created the systemic racism he talked about ending in his speech last night.
  17. Just hold him out until the Pittsburgh game
  18. And he’s never faced the consequences for his actions. People are supposed to be voted out for being poor politicians. In your eyes trump isn’t responsible for covid right?
  19. you’re actually the first person to just agree with that and not try to justify what he did. That’s a good start
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