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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. according to the fbi hate crime lowered during their last study. it had increased the previous 6-7 years or so. i'm not sure what language the first part of that sentence was. but he did in fact draw the troops down and the bill did pass
  2. pulled the troops out of overseas, failed to start a conflict for the first time in like 50 years or something, passed a crime bill that will lower prison population, negotiated peace in the middle east, continued to destroy isis, economy grew, lowered the hate crimes for the first time since obama was in office. you know good stuff
  3. actually moreso than the dems who started their impeachment before trump ever got into office but answer my question
  4. yours is also very ironic. do you actually believe the dems have acted civil in any way the last four years?
  5. that's friggin hilarious. we haven't seen it for the last four years and now lets be civil. classic.
  6. just have to muddy the waters. slam the chinese angle that china helped biden win the election and we have 2-3 years of investigations and you put a few of bidens friends and kid in jail over this and we get to the next election. thats the new normal right?
  7. pitt has balt us Indy and cle down the stretch that give us the shot for the 2 seed. Could come down to final week if they drop a couple games
  8. Comes down to being healthy and josh with no more multiple to games
  9. 42 percent of the deaths are nursing home deaths. that's where we have failed. then you have the US being the most unhealthy country in the world and the virus going after people who are unhealthy. going forward people need to eat healthier, excercise more, live healthier lives etc.
  10. the only thing that is going to work is a vaccine. you have to come to realize that. its why they always said to try and flatten the curve not eliminate the virus.
  11. yes that's why i brought up the feds and the vaccine. jesus. the virus is hitting us at home in every part of the us. its more like rampant crime and you need local police to get it in line not the military.
  12. those two examples are polar opposites. cities fight the virus differently than rural counties. in war you normally have one enemy in a handful of locations. this virus is in every tiny town or city in america. you have to let local leaders fight it.
  13. yes because this is one of the most contagious viruses we've ever seen and you're learning that the only hope we've ever had against it is getting a vaccine. lockdowns across the world have slowed it some but won't stop it.
  14. the states make their own decisions when it comes to the virus. the feds are concernced with getting the vaccine out and giving the states help when needed.
  15. pretty obvious the colts, steelers, and bears will be checking in to see what it takes to get darnold and if they can pull a tannehill.
  16. no those conventions certainly didnt help. you know what also didnt help? the 15 million people who were out protesting all summer. nobody has handled this well or acted more responsibly than another.
  17. yes that’s what I mean about people not wearing them properly. But it’s not specific to one political party. You’re hell bent on blaming some party. Nobody wears them correctly. btw I’ve already had the virus and I still wear a mask. I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that I’m protesting masks. I’m pointing out that they’re not that effective and the only hope we have is a vaccine.
  18. perhaps masks aren’t as effective as you think they are. It’s a good idea maybe In theory but outside of professionals using them they’re not working great.
  19. No cases have been transferred during games or even in facility right?
  20. I would say our news networks have become state run for their parties.
  21. cant wait for four years of hearing what does china have on joe biden!
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