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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. root for ravens this week. then we beat steelers and 2 seed is in play
  2. Gotta think phins might be thinking herbert was the pick.
  3. i don’t but I can’t help but think cincy is cursed
  4. I hope he’s a quick healer but man that just gives me the feeling that the bengals are cursed.
  5. who actually had a positive effect on minorities. Trump. Who made a career of putting minorities in prison? Biden. Not even a question. But I do enjoy you constantly having to justify your decision. biden may have made awful decisions seemingly at every point in his political career but he’s gonna get it right this time! I swear!
  6. I almost spit out my coffee. I can’t understand how gullible you are. It’s so sad
  7. Biden apologized for how poorly his policies performed. Even had to spend Obama’s presidency pardoning thousands who were wrongly imprisoned from it. Imagine being responsible for imprisoning so many people and having people support that presidency? Just to be clear...nobody who supported those bills should be anywhere near public policy right now. Not a damn person. But you have supported those policies.
  8. Oh right they both supported it so that makes it ok. Makes sense in no world. Justifying for your conscience. This is the ***** you’ve preached for four years to stop. Hypocrisy. Pure and simple.
  9. Biden’s policies Resulted in 700 percent increase in minority prison population. But I guess it’s ok cause during the debates he said him and Obama pardoned a few of the people he sent away. This is who you vote for. He’s the poster child of why our government isn’t working right now. All the problems that have surfaced he’s been a part of the last 50 years. How do you not see this?
  10. I’m going to this game tomorrow I’ll let ya know how he looks live
  11. At least you’ve admitted to electing a more racist failed politician than Trump ever has been. Congrats on falling off the high horse
  12. you know what’s tearing the country apart? Media spreading a bs Russia collusion case for 3 years and then when it turns to be fake it disappears. Then the next news story is systemic racism so the left lectures the right on how racist they are but turn around and nominate and elect Biden. Biden who has been in government for 50 years and his policies have been responsible for most of the ***** systemic racism that exists today. We keep electing failed politicians and expecting a different result. It’s insanity.
  13. I hope Denver pulls it off tomorrow to pump the brakes on this train
  14. Voter fraud does exist. The stupid people trying it get caught all the time. Now what if a couple smart people managed to do it? Conspiracies are funny because at some point there would be a weak link who would talk. Less people involved and it’s easier to pull off.
  15. Lol I know right? The left media sold that as some kind of huge event and turned out to be nothing. People will believe anything. But tis the word we live in
  16. Just like trump didn’t collude with Russia it doesn’t matter. You create the appearance of impropriety and run wild with the story. You ask the average dem voter and they say trump conspired with Russia cause people went to jail. But when you tell them they didn’t go to jail for anything to do with Russia they don’t know what to say.
  17. It’s all timing. No need to investigate before. Now that the dems are in power they’re gonna get exactly what they gave the last four years. Bunch of bs lawsuits and calls for impeachment over Biden being under the hand of China because of all that Chinese money hunter got. Did you not realize that’s what would happen?
  18. Anything tied to collusion? No. And hunter is currently under investigation. But it doesn’t matter. The republicans will investigate just like the dems did for two years and just make noise as the dems did.
  19. i mean the dems screamed collusion for four years and nothing was found. Least you could do is let him air some ***** out. What will be interesting is if old hunter ends up doing time the next couple years and joe gets dragged into it.
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