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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Have you seen the media dragging Biden across the finish line? You honestly just ignore that? They don’t question him on anything
  2. You ever see a funny post about what trump wears? How many times was Michelle on the front of vogue or some fashion magazine? How many times Melanie? The media runs with a story on joes socks and this is the extent of covering him. It won’t be until years later we see what actually happened. That’s the media. If you don’t think they’re biased you’re wrong.
  3. so we werent talking about the immigrant kids that you brought up? lol
  4. i'll also mention that you bring up trumps history from the 1970's but i am not allowed to bring up bidens history? that makes total sense yes, we were talking about the immigrant children and you changed the subject to something about 1994
  5. The kids may see there parents again if they can find them. If not they get adopted here. It's actually a very common occurrence. Families pay somoene to take their kids across and leave them for border patrol and they can't just send kids back so the kids stay here. Yes, it's awful they wont see their families but what if it gives them a better chance in a better country?
  6. if the worst you got is immigrant children who end up becoming American citizens and have a great shot at a good life and then some people that aren't allowed to travel to the US then I'd say Trump has managed to do a much better job with minorities than Biden. Good try though. I don't think I've seen a beat down this bad in a long time
  7. thank you for admitting he hasn't passed anything hurting those communities. that's a start.
  8. like i've asked you. show me policies that trump passed that actually hurt minorities. that decades from now some president will have to spend time pardoing people for spending decades in prison.
  9. again, biden should be nowhere near making public policy. he has proven to be incompetent with responsibility. good thing is he's just a one term guy and as long as the senate stays red we can get by.
  10. you just said biden blamed it on the racist police forces. but again. answer my question
  11. no, i called biden a racist not you. you called me a racist. you throw around insults during an argument just to try and bully people. biden doesn't accept responsibility for his actions other than apparently parding a few guys that spent decades in prison for them. let me ask you this...are there any policies trump has passed that will result in millions of minorities in prison for decades that later need to be pardoned to make up for the mistake? absolutely not.
  12. i've not called you racist i've called biden a racist
  13. you keep throwing around names calling us racist like an immature child. anything trump did makes him a racist. anything biden did was not his fault and the fault is on everyone else. what world do you live in? i understand you want to support your guy but the blinders you're putting on are just insanely big.
  14. Not a whole lot of public policy in there. Can you show what he's done during his presidency?
  15. I'll ask again. Show me how Biden has been better for minority communities than Trump. You simply can't. Your only argument is that racists apparently support Trump. But just because they may support him doesn't mean Trumps policies are bad for those communites. Biden-history of destroying those communities through bad policy. Either racist or incompetent. Trump-history of helping those communities. Very racist by your standards.
  16. Biden and Obama deported more immigrants than trump. Locked kids in cages. Kept the military over in the Middle East killing Muslims while there. Trump brought them home. Biden also voted for a border wall while he was a Senator. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/443182-cnn-resurfaces-biden-remarks-calling-for-a-border-fence You're not going to come close to proving Biden has been worse on minorites than Trump. Just accept it.
  17. explain trumps history of handling minority communites and bills that hurt those.
  18. Biden wrote the bills. the one bills is named after him. Biden also makes fun of black people as well. But I'd rather have a guy who passes bills helping those communites than a guy with a terrible history of incomptence when it comes to handling minority communites. You can have your own opinion but you can't have your own facts.
  19. wha's worse? Biden who has passed bills that have devastated minority communites but apparently is not a racist or at least is a reformed racist and also supported by minority communities. Trump who passed bills to help minority communites but apparently is a racist and is supported by racists? Does that make sense to you?
  20. They had to walk back that statement because the Doc was making a guess. Very few players are having issues https://www.si.com/college/2020/10/28/big-ten-covid-protocol-21-days-heart-screening
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