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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. One or two that know all your issues and work different areas daily. This is not that
  2. So if we have to present a vaccine card going forward do you have to show it at the polls?
  3. Would you do the Julio Jones trade to get Kyle pitts?
  4. Does it specify what the debt is from? The move? It’s an la team that now has a qb they are about to start printing money especially with the new tv deal. They need to just buy her out
  5. Seems like he has been healthy player so availability might be one of his best abilities
  6. So his defense is going to be heart issues from covid and drugs? People are not going to like that
  7. Yea I know he’s had a lot of struggles but domestic violence is a different level.
  8. Man people got over his domestic violence conviction res quick from last year
  9. ‘Bad Girls Club’ cast member Deshayla Harris among Virginia Beach shooting victims: reports https://www.foxnews.com/us/bad-girls-club-cast-member-deshayla-harris-among-virginia-beach-shooting-victims-reports Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html. three separate shooters but hardly any action on Twitter about it. Why?
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-police-report-2018-gun-incident sitting president's son abusing gun laws is part of the problem.
  11. hey if devin or moss go down like they did last year he's a vet guy who can line up. depth is king. loving db or lb with the first pick in the draft even more.
  12. Got it through lcmc hospital down here monday. so according to what i've read i have to get the shot between the 19th and around may 2 for it to be effective. but i actually just found out i might have to fly back here to new orleans on the 23rd of april for business so i might be ok.
  13. Got Moderna the other day but not gonna be here in New orleans for the second shot so i'm gonna have to figure out if i can get that second shot somewhere in cali or nevada in a few weeks. anybody done something like this?
  14. hoping star having the year off gives his body time to recover like ingcognito and he comes in as a force. would absolutely help this guy get after the qb. our rotation is nice
  15. Man what did Rondale Moore do to his hammy that kept him out two years? Off the charts athletic.
  16. These mass shooting events are much more difficult to stop then the average mass shootings that happen on a daily basis. Mass shooting is generally considered when someone shoots 3 or more people in one instance. When you see the stat of there being a thousand mass shootings or whatever the number was this year you need to step back and think. These are typically gang fights where someone shoots up a party or in a fight or something. Throw away guns are the big problem. I support the second amendment. One big issue is that the national gun registry is literally a file cabinet system somewhere in Virginia...file cabinets for 400 million guns....in this day and age. So whenever there is a shooting a cop has to call this registry and a person has to go through the file system to find the guy and that can take weeks unless it's a high priority and they can do it fairly quickly. This needs to change. Next I think you need to prove someone keeps their weapon once they buy it cause too often these guys are used in a crime and end up in the water. The gangs typically get a clean record person to buy the gun, it's used and discarded rinse and repeat. If you buy a gun and say don't have proof you have it 6 months later no more guns for you since you can't be responsible. This should be at least a start.
  17. beane has to nail this draft and get 2-3 playmaking starters and we're favorites to win by a mile. if not only favorites by like half a mile
  18. I mean the guy is gonna catch like 7 passes for 309 yards next year and then will end up on ir week 6
  19. When this team returns a kick to take the lead in the Super Bowl next year he’s gonna feel embarrassed
  20. may also be true but at least with the variety of weapons they have you can know if he is their future or not
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