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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. people should just stop committing crimes. it would solve a lot of problems
  2. NBC also doctored his phone call making it seem as if he was racist. They were all fired from their job. The only reason Zimmerman didn’t win tens of millions from nbc was because there is some ridiculous law that says he had to notify nbc within 3 days to retract their story. He didn’t so his lawsuit was thrown out.
  3. im saying it would have been nice six months ago. Back then it was told this thing stayed on surfaces for three days now it doesn’t live there.
  4. https://www.medicaleconomics.com/view/cdc-covid-19-surface-transmission-rare would have been nice to know a little sooner
  5. His next move is probably rehab for addictions, settlements and some kind of suspension agreed upon between him and the league
  6. So what if this is part of Cody Ford taking down watson? Concocted this whole massage therapist as revenge on watson for that game? Just spending his IR quarantine doing this?
  7. what does that have to do with our vaccine roll out and being far ahead of canada?
  8. Remember when trump was ridiculed for being so far behind Canada? Whelp
  9. and Georgia now has mail in voting which is something it didn’t have before last year. So yes similar laws
  10. FIgures. His screenname is famous for being a notorious pedophile where when bathing would have kids nibble on his manhood. What a guy to look up to lol
  11. No matter how many times you say it you aren’t right. Just take the l man it’s embarrassing at this point.
  12. They have a lot of holes to fill so they better not miss
  13. If we hit 50 pages we can just will this into existence
  14. They have mail in voting now in Georgia for this exact reason. Something that didn’t exist last year.
  15. Left media praying it’s a trump supporter. Now they will move on to next story
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