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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Could you imagine the left outrage if trump did this? Probably impeachment papers submitted
  2. yes, in fact Biden is doing worse than trump. And we know China has Biden in their back pocket.
  3. So again. I’ve asked you several times. Prove me wrong with what I said. Btw what’s the big deal with Russia putting troops on the border? They did it with trump as well and he funded the Ukrainians to back them up.
  4. i responded to the post about the iran sanctions where it shows biden has no clue what they're doing.
  5. again, i asked why you brought up russia when the subject was iran. then i asked you to prove me wrong with my trump v russia statements. you have attempted to change the subject. why?
  6. you called me q for what i said. so i would like you to point out something incorrect that i stated. i'll save you the time...you cant. so i will ask you...wtf are you talking about? look, we get it you're in an impossible position you spent four years claiming that anything trump did was evil and wrong. now, your guy is doing similar things and you need to save face. you're realizing that trump wasn't all that bad and the media manipulated you but at some point that little voice in the back of your head will make you realize this.
  7. Feel free to point out a factually incorrect statement. I’ll wait. also, what did Russia have to do with Iran? Or are you doing some kind of whataboutism?
  8. what does that have to do with the above link and Iran? also, Trump supplied the Ukrainians with more advanced weapons to defend against the Russians. They also helped defend against Russian attacks. Also, the Russian bounty scandal was finally debunked. The whole trump in bed with russia has been debunked over and over
  9. Jesus Christ the Biden administration has no clue what they’re doing.
  10. What would you do with the kid? If you’re gonna kill the kid at least give it a proper burial
  11. Seems like a cheap trade compared to the Texans and others.
  12. his DOJ. Biden is responsible for it. Don’t deflect the blame
  13. why would I think chauvin is innocent? btw your boy Biden stopped Asians from suing Yale. So congrats on supporting a president who has a history of imprisoning minorities with his crime bills and being racist against Asians. Must feel good you can get those hoods out and March around
  14. Little racist to call them that. But how is it picking when they were arrested by the fbi?
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/senate-democrats-covid-19-hate-crimes-act-asian-discrimination-universities.amp oh the dems just anti Asian racists.
  16. I commend your hypocrisy. Takes a special kind of stupid to keep your game up bud.
  17. Biden better hope crypto goes back up or he’s gonna lose those votes next election.
  18. Btw if Biden were in charge at the time here is how the story plays out. Biden sends money, Biden stops sending money when pols are arrested. Newspapers cheer on Biden for helping stop corruption. But since it was Trump they turned the blind eye to the corruption and instead called Trump scum. That's a narrative.
  19. Hang on. The people who hate the black and brown people in this story are the ones stealing the money that was sent to help them. So since you support the politicans down there stealing the money from them you are in fact the racist one here bud. What a shitttttthole party.
  20. that's not a narrative. that's literally what happened. as in the fbi arrested politicans down there.
  21. Trump sends money there. Their politicans steal the money. Trump delays sending money because of it. Trump is bad guy. Got it. Gotta get your narrative in.
  22. how many of peurto ricos politicians got arrested for stealing the money sent them?
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