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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. This all could have been avoided by not drafting Love last year. They had other more important holes to fill and perhaps could have had the piece to beat the bucs.
  2. again, you are changing narratives. desperately grasping at straws. that was not what we were talking about. i have debunked you at every point and you continue to just try and change narrative. we didnt invent slavery but we fought to end it. and end it we did. we ended jim crow. we've admitted interning the Japanese was wrong. kkk is barely even a thing anymore. i think at last count something like 29 total groups in the country and membership is in the thousands maybe but i cant really find info on membership. crack epidemic lead to your guy Biden passing some ***** laws and I am sad he was allowed to continue to have power in this country but we have a lot of people actively fighting him thank goodness. i dont know much about 4chan and others so cant really make an educated comment on it. rodney king, awful. Again, read my previous post again about things continuing to get better. I'll add. The entire world was a racist place when America began as the great experiment. The idea off all people being equal was the goal. It is impossible to have happened overnight but I wish it could have. You need to understand that the idea is to always work towards perfection but that it can't happen overnight. Wish it could but that's not reality. So your idea that we are a racist country is not factually correct.
  3. Well if they did do it at their jobs it is pretty easy to spot and in this day and age of social media they ruin their careers pretty quickly with that stuff. So again your example is flawed. You make all these claims and have zero proof of it. You make up these hypothetical situations and proclaim them as indisputable fact when they are not. Just to be clear. Racism does exist. I am 100 percent against it. It is also ok that there continue to be less racist people in this country as time goes on. You probably need to hear that it's a great thing that it's happening and it is in fact happening. You can use history books as proof.
  4. See you keep changing subjects here. You called it the underbelly of society or something these people that act racist in their basement but apparently normal during the day. Yes, of course if people in power act racist in public towards minorities and actively discriminate against them they are not treated equally. But you just used an example of Chauvin which was not considered a racist incident according to the DA. Again, not my words. So you used an example that was not racist.
  5. hang on. you keep bouncing around from narrative to narrative. we were talking about the people who only did it in their basements. your words. in the words of the DA btw the Floyd killing was not a hate crime. not my words btw to be very clear as i know your next comment would be to call me a racist.
  6. lol again, one time i misspelled it. spelled it correctly 100 other times. let it go it doesn't mean i am racist misspelling one time. is this person in power actively passing bills to hurt minorities?
  7. hang on a second. you are the one who made the claim about the uncle in the basement or however you phrased it. the underbelly or however you said it. come on man keep up.
  8. Hang on. Now you're changing the narrative. I know the game you're trying to play. It's very predicable.
  9. The last month we took a road trip across the US starting from New Orleans stopping in Austin, San Antonio, Roswell, some other literal stop middle of nowhere Nm, Campe Verde Az outside Sedona, Zion national park, bryce canyon and then up here for a final stop for a few months in Reno. I've got the headrest Bills covers in my truck and wear Bills gear pretty often. I ran into Bills fans in every city and even a couple truck stops. the classic...Go Bills as our hello was used. the most random was this guy in grants Nm wal mart wearing his hoody. He was from there and fell in love with the 90's Bills as a kid. It was hilarious. In Zion we stayed at this rv park that had maybe 20 spots and two spots down I see a Bills license plate so I walk over and they're from Corning NY lol. I actually haven't run into any here in Reno yet but it will happen. Love the Bills family and culture
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-nypd-detective-suing-protester-122445566.html n a video of the confrontation released by the police, the protester, Terrell Harper, was just feet from Cheung’s face as he cursed at him, punctuating his comments with racist stereotypes mocking Cheung, who is Chinese American. In the moment, Cheung made no move to apprehend Harper, who is Black. The protest, on a chilly March evening in downtown Manhattan, continued. Harper said he returned home to Asbury Park, New Jersey, after the protest, which he said was a weekly demonstration for transgender rights and “in solidarity with end Asian hate.” interviews, Harper, 39, apologized for what he acknowledged were racist comments. He said the video had been taken out of context, and that he typically uses racist remarks as part of a broader explanatory monologue to demonstrate what racism looks and feels like. what a crock of ***** excuse that guy used.
  11. Ok, so you have some imaginary number of people in their basements spewing racist bs. In fact, as you said it's unproven that number could be zero. Now i am a reasonable enough person to know that it is not zero. Now, all these Dr's, lawyers, paramedics as you said are doing this in private but in public are acting like a normal person should. So they really have no effect on a minority person do they? If they privately spew bull#### they are in fact racist and two faced ***** people but if it's left at home it really has no effect on minorities does it? Btw this is your argument....that people are privately doing this. I just want to be very clear I am not defending them for doing it in private I am just trying to understand how it would effect someone if they in fact do not face it. This is your fantasy....all these people being all racist in their basements but apparently not doing it publicly. You have no way of proving it actually exists but you claim it's some huge number.
  12. Give me a number. Anything other than a number you can prove is in fact fantasy.
  13. It is fantasy land. How many people exactly are in their basements doing this? I would like an exact number.
  14. no i laughed at your idea that it somehow makes our country racist. Literally my first post said...racism exists but our country isn't racist. So you are 100 percent wrong in making the claim that i said racism doesn't exist. You are literally making ***** up now. What is your problem? You have literally made up a scenario of people in their basements making racist remarks. I will agree that people do make these statements in private but you have no proof as to how many there are. So you are speaking in total hypotheticals. You are resorting to personal attacks. It's bush league man.
  15. No I was not defending their right to do that. Good lord. I called them ####### for doing that and hoped their ***** ideas died with them. You are the problem man. You can't have a discussion with someone about this without resorting to attacking them. You know damn well that's not what I meant and you had to go and selectively edit my post to attack me. Thats uncalled for.
  16. Lol you are one heck of a troll man. what did i say right after that sentence that you cut and pasted? Something about they will die and so will their racist ideas. ALso, I called those guys #######s in the post which was blocked out. So in fact I was talking ***** about racists sitting at home. Now me being a year off on the year hate crimes went down means i am defending racism? How is that defending racism? Just means I was off a year on the stats. This is classic. You have moved on from the discussion and have resorted to personal attacks. Real nice.
  17. I already mentioned it.I was a year off. I am not defending racism. Point to where exactly I defended racism. GIve me an exact example.
  18. I already mentioned I was wrong. I was banned because a guy a used a slur against special needs people which hit home with my family and I went a little off the handle. But like I said. 7300 incidents in a country of 400 million is an extremely low percentage of incidents. Hard to make the claim we're racist when it happens so rarely.
  19. Lol, so you have some guys talking ***** about minorities at home but aren't actively oppressing them right? The minorities still have equal opportunities to have a great life here. Guys sitting at home being racist doesn't really mean anything other than they're #######s. They will die off soon as will their racist ideas. As long as minorities have opportunites like any other man the country is on the right path. When you have to try really hard to prove we are a racist country by saying things like "yea but how about guys talking ***** about this random black guy" you are proving my point and ignoring facts.
  20. they don't come out until november. I may have been a year off on them. But I will say...in a country of 400 million people and we have only 7300 crimes. Hard to make an argument that the country is racist.
  21. JFC I misspelled it once and correctly the other time...it happens. Racists exist. But they have no power and are in the extreme minority. The facts are that hate crimes against have steadily gone down for decades. There were a few years where the spiked but they went back down again last year. If we were such a racist country those numbers would be rising.
  22. So publily they're supporting policy that helps minorites but at home they're racist. So in the end minorities are treated equally but some ass is sitting at home pouting about it but doesn't actually hurt minorities? That's quite an argument. Not exactly sure what to do with that. It's like a fantasy land for someone who is desperate for racism to exist. That's part of the problem. People seem to want it to exist more than it actually exists.
  23. sure, but that doesn't mean we're racist as a country. If you're actively making efforts to make everyone have equal opportunities you're not racist.
  24. Well we've realized how awful those policies were and have worked to end them. A racist country would have kept the policies in place.
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