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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. China accidentally released two viruses in the 50s and 70s so it’s not that far of a reach to think this happened
  2. Here's one thing that I found interesting. The roads in Nola were destroyed in Katrina 15 years ago...well they just got the check from FEMA last January for 350 mil or something so they've been working on the roads and they should all be repaired by next year supposedly. So the city should start looking better by the fall.
  3. so you’re saying the Democrats collude with foreign countries?
  4. ok, so you're saying the democrats dont also try and find dirt on their political opponents?
  5. so you're saying the democrats did nothing to divide? in order to take power from trump or turn the country against him?
  6. neat. still doesn't prove collusion. that is what truly matters.
  7. You think Trump was the one dividing the country? You can't be that naive. A several year investigation that found no collusion between Trump and Russia didn't exactly unite us. Media claiming each day they found a new smoking gun and that gun was mysteriously never found. That's what divided us. The dems also killed the pipeline which could have helped us gain more energy independence to go along with a green energy plan.
  8. This is a good point and to me it reeks of desperation to stay relevant.
  9. well that's behind a paywall. But yes russia gains by us being divided as a country. but they do this in any election and they do it at any time. to say it's specific to trump is just naive. russia is more of a troll...just more of a troll that doesn't really have a whole lot of power outside their immediate borders.
  10. Ok, but how did Russia benefit from it if that's what you believe. GIve me specifics of gains they made.
  11. what exactly did russia gain from all this? because it has also been proven trump was harder on russia than obama ever was.
  12. Yea their fans are the nicest in the world. I just lived their for the last six months and man is the city in rough shape. Hope they can clean it up by fall. We did airbnb for the last game btw. Condo right off bourbon. Stumble home.
  13. i remember when the democrats tried to claim trump was an anti semite early in his presidency. my have the tables turned
  14. The feud is good for Barstool and for the league. It's funny. Portnoy is a genius.
  15. dude hit puberty early and that was it. but his mom also probably bought one two sizes too big so she didnt have to keep buying them so he probably looked like the kid from Big at the end in Hanks clothes
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