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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. so far biden is less tough on russia than trump was. and trump was harder on russia then obama.
  2. Not a better guy to mentor than Campbell. Hope Greg learns all he can.
  3. Nice, Joe threatening to kill Americans with F-15's and nukes. What a guy.
  4. true but he's doing a fantastic job by all accounts. biden ain't running again and kamala isn't winning.
  5. probably the odds on favorite to be our next president
  6. Is someone going to run against her?
  7. actually reminds me of a high school friend who’s brothers beat the ***** out of him when he came out at the dinner table. had another really good friend who couldn’t come out for risk of losing his grandfathers inheritance cause his aunt was executor and also an anti gay activist. But today he’s a self made millionaire and one of the biggest gay activists in nyc.
  8. i think inside your statement is the exact reason why he needed to come out
  9. what has stopped him from hitting on all his teammates all these years? i'm sure you've come across gay guys in the past have they hit on you?
  10. ahh i didn't notice the cali part. yea, they don't like guns there.
  11. i mean he's got plenty of money how does he not buy one legally?
  12. true but he is the first active one to come out so more than likely quite a few guys still uncomfortable coming out.
  13. boston. The most racist city in America lol
  14. Imagine being dumb enough to think your body is going to stop a truck. Darwinism
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