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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Let's be honest here cause had he knocked her out we'd all be calling for his head. Good for him showing some character here and hope he gets out of the alimony.
  2. Seriously. He might be arrogant but he's always come across as a good dude.
  3. oh i'd say she was 4-5 months along...pretty good belly going. she had to have had more before because i doubt a first time mother would be out there!
  4. You understand how difficult these cases are to prove right? Your response should be not to defend him in any way.
  5. https://thehill.com/homenews/536677-lincoln-project-co-founder-john-weaver-accused-of-sending-provocative-messages-to right there bud.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/more-migrant-deaths-recorded-heat-190101013.html increase in migrant deaths also has been noted in Texas, and rescues are up throughout the border with Mexico. The nonprofit group Humane Borders, which maps the recoveries of bodies in Arizona using data from the Pima County Medical Examiner's Office in Tucson, said 43 sets of human remains were found in the state's border region last month — the hottest June on record for Phoenix. Forecasters say highs in Phoenix, where temperatures last month regularly soared above 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 Celsius), tend to be similar to those in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert north of Mexico. Democrats killing migrants. Democrats-nazis
  7. But this is the paragraph of Ioffe’s report that went viral on Friday, that I found so triggering. In this example, and a few others, Ioffe, as she admits, lets some reporters stay off the record: “Democrats in general have a much thinner skin,” observed the prominent White House reporter. “This is not unique to Trump but Republicans never expect a fair shake, so if you cover them fairly, you can have a good working relationship with them. Democrats de facto expect you to be on their side and are horrified when you hold them to account as you would any other administration. It goes back to the Obama years. [Obama staffers would be] like, ‘Don’t you realize that being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition?!’ And I would be like, ‘Yes, but I’m writing about why your website keeps crashing.’” They will never cover your administration with any type of integrity.
  8. she played with mcd on saturday and i was very impressed with her game. Her long irons were giving her problems all day. g
  9. She’s the republicans ticket to 2022 and 24
  10. Charles almost killed someone out of the bunker on 14 I think lol. Mcd nice off the tee but short chips giving him trouble
  11. Lady says hey bills fans I ask where she’s from she says she lives in orchard park. I say oh I’m from the falls are you here vacationing? She says no Sean is my husband I’m lol. Sean comes over and fist bumps my kids and chats with us . His wife is watching Kyle Williams boys
  12. gotta love the question in the middle of the video of why are minorities arrested for and convicted of minor drug offenses so often? the answer would be president joe biden lol.
  13. Any questions you guys want me to ask? I'll use my kids as bait to get Mcd to answer! They will be rocking Bills gear
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