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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Chiefs were getting away with holds all year and they got pissed when they finally got called for them. Let's hope that continues. Especially on the d line.
  2. Not sure I realized allen trying to recover the fumble. Most qbs would back off a pile like that.
  3. One can hope. Ring chasing and gets to play his old team twice. But if Brady calls him i'm sure that's the team
  4. You want a guy that can cover one of the Bucs rams or chiefs wr's you try and sign this guy.
  5. Chiefs kicked our butt last year and we need to get that monkey off our back. Go in there and beat them so we're not afraid of them anymore. They're as beatable as they've been in years.
  6. Maybe he’s just an amateur gynecologist responsibly checking her for issues?
  7. The national parks literally have waiting lists right now to get passes to drive through them. There are so many people buying rvs just to go see the country that is why this case hits home for so many people. We were in Glacier and Yellowstone from about Nov 10 to the 25th of August. Heck we very well could have passed them on the road. They were supposed to be having the time of their lives and something went wrong.
  8. Orlando Brown lost an eye sorta like that
  9. Yea, that’s how they found her. A YouTube rv family saw the rv on side of the road and she was found nearby.
  10. I can’t believe he was dumb enough to get caught on camera burying her. But that’s why jails are full of criminals. He very easily could have made it so she was never found. I’d venture to think he is dead in the woods.
  11. Does anyone recall how bad Millen was last week? Dude was on another planet. If anybody hates Cuse grad Beth Mowins I will fight you in the parking lot. We will not tolerate this slander.
  12. I think I'd rather beat my head with a tack hammer.
  13. I might fly across country just to spite this guy
  14. Hope the guy doesn’t get the swollen testicles from the virus.
  15. get a lithium battery. It’s not even a question.I’ve got them in my rv. I run a predator 3500 inverter generator which is so quiet it’s not even funny but you wouldn’t need one that big for yours. I’ve got a Durango gold 382 mbq fifth wheel and we live in full time. Let me know if you need any help and I can also point you to some Facebook groups that can help as well
  16. Why don't you come out to Eugene and do a round with my gf in the icu which is at capacity? 97 percent patients unvaxxed. National guard on hand to help cause of the issues. That vers study is horseshit.
  17. Gonna share text from a fb post of a pregnant nurse friend in charlotte absolutely. Much younger people. And the vaccinated that are sick are MUCH older. Last time it didn’t hit pregnant woman as hard, this time it’s awful! most of our patients aren’t vaccinated, so I’m not sure. We’ve had a few half vaccinated and a few vaccinated but the vaccinated are well over 70 and thankfully not intubated. It’s hard to tell people “what to do”. Treatment protocol is vitamin c, d3, thiamine, and zinc- for all Covid positive patients. So, that Leads you to believe it’s an immune targeting virus- but then we see so many families(aunts, sisters, not living together) admitted and vented- and it makes you wonder if it has a genetic component? I’m a strong believer in doing what you feel is best. For me, getting vaccinated was very necessary, being pregnant and a Covid nurse, and watching pregnant mamas getting vented every day, I couldn’t put myself in that position. we had two die on Monday night and the poor wife didn’t even make it in time to say bye Stay safe friend! we have 22 vented in PACU with crnas taking care of them because we’re out of staff. We’re supposed to be opening our MICU and putting vented patients there but, again, we don’t have staffing. We’ve never gotten to divert, it just keeps building up So keep thinking this is medically tyrnanny while people who actually are living with this ***** and know what's going on are dealing with this.
  18. like in new orleans who have a vaccine mandate? just wait. they will all be coming so we can get on track to ending this thing.
  19. I didn't send my kids to school friday in their bills jerseys. it's all on me
  20. I blame the losses on all the people who clearly skipped leg day. I saw nothing but skinny legged people on tv. From here on out it's Squattember, Squattober, Squatvember, Squatcember.
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