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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. The NFL can sell a franchise to a new owner. The NFL can also pay them a settlement that could cover a stadium.
  2. St. Louis has them bent over. They’re gonna get a team and a stadium paid for. Would the city sell or continue ownership?
  3. https://twitter.com/adamschefter/status/1453550304650276865?s=21
  4. If Kyle shanahan gets fired I’d love him being out oc for two years. Good lord that would be fun
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/10/23/politics/joe-biden-weekends-away/index.html ol joe outpacing trumps vacations. What world is he living in?
  6. Doubt they'll be able to figure it out with how decomposed he seemed to be.
  7. Ok someone needs to do some wellness checks on dabolls family cause in a couple weeks he won’t have anyone left. Poor guy
  8. At this point Snyder has to be forced to sell the team. Team needs a new start
  9. Well at the moment more emails are being released and the story of the rest of the emails is starting to take over and could be an even bigger story. The story of why were they released now is starting to get bigger. Is the NFL really sitting on thousands of blackmail emails just to use when they see a need? Gruden is staying quiet for his rep but if he's smart will come out with an apology at the right time.
  10. The Bills have one of if not the best reguarded training and physical therapy team in the league. Why don't the sabres?
  11. Rb might be the only spot I’d look at. Devin is nice but lays that ball down too much.
  12. The bucs are going for a super bowl run and don’t want the distraction. They don’t want the players to be asked about gruden and all that so they just ended the story there. It was the absolute smartest thing to do. Gruden needed and needs a better apology. Own it, apologize, go on some kind of learning tour and maybe he can redeem himself.
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