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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Taylor can’t keep running like he has. It’s why the titans haven’t won even with tractorcito steam rolls people all year. Eventually their bodies can’t take it. Be great to play Miami first round, Indy in second after they use up Taylor and we cruise into the afc title game for revenge on the chiefs
  2. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/ plenty of dems still not vaxxed as well. Why aren’t they and why do you ignore them?
  3. What does any of that have to do with the questions I asked? Literally nothing.
  4. joe just realized states rights and became a republican lol
  5. how many votes did the dead party get? worried about those independents that would vote for the dead party today? Joe better get his ratings up or he’s cooked
  6. Welker got Wall Pipp'd by Edelman that was caught on live tv and Edelman went on to super bowl mvp and 3 rings I think. Bease might have just done that to himself
  7. He coached angry yesterday and that's the coach we need going forward.
  8. You can't teach speed and yesterday it was on display. Guy was selling out his body to get those catches. In the playoffs we are going to need that speed and for the first time all year with Gabe Davis the last couple weeks and now Mck I feel like our wr group is starting to show out.
  9. Brady has 39 tds if i can count and allen has 38
  10. you dont monitor your kids browser history and use blocks to limit them from seeing inappropriate things?
  11. Being non vax is not a right wing position. Plenty of left wingers non vaxxed
  12. Please come back sweet baby Jesus we need to block judon
  13. That would be the end of the Democratic party right there.
  14. Yea, it sounds like Fl st started that rumor to throw make them look good but if the kid just wanted money I am sure Fl state has at least a booster or two that could get the kid money. The kid can always transfer as well
  15. Jeez was it his first time drinking? I threw up once in high school after doing shots of bacardi 151. Two things happened after that. I never drank that again and I haven't puked on myself since. Although there have been a handful of times where I had to pull the trigger in the bathroom after a shot hits me the wrong way.
  16. Kick their ass and then make a video about how short their return to the top was. And I mean I hope we dog walk em
  17. They must have been in a deep slumber if they have finally woken up.
  18. How did we lose to the pats? We never let Mac be a qb
  19. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-by-race-ethnicity/ these are facts. It’s not on brand. They are literally facts. We have a history of abusing blacks with medics experiments so their hesitancy is understood.
  20. FYI the least vaccinated people in this country are African Americans and Hispanics. They voted for Biden. This idea that only grump voters are unvaxxed is simply wrong. African Americans also tend to have worse health care as well cause of the areas they live in. They also tend to live in multi generational homes so they are at more risk as well. Joe failed them
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