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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Bates is an RFA so bills can tender him but seeing as the giants have an o line need we can trade him for saquon straight up lol
  2. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-admin-approves-sale-anti-tank-weapons-ukraine/story?id=65989898 The Trump administration first approved the sale of Javelins to Ukraine in December 2017 -- a step that former President Barack Obama never took
  3. They were sent were they not? You'd think if he was so cozy with Russia he'd have stopped it altogether. They helped keep Russia out of Ukraine. Kind of hurts your narrative that he was soft on Russia.
  4. so his plan was to use trumps vaccine? got it. also, every left wing news source purposely countered anything trump did so whats the difference?
  5. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/12/28/covid-biden-no-federal-solution-states-control-pandemic/9034179002/ lol
  6. Joe claimed he had the pandemic cure. Claimed he had all the answers. Don had nothing to do with this. Try and respond without bringing up Trump. Time for Joe to take some accountability here.
  7. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-admin-approves-sale-anti-tank-weapons-ukraine/story?id=65989898 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/middleeast/american-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html Trump seemed to deal with Russia just fine.
  8. The Bills can point to Bates coming in at guard and finally getting the o line stabilized. The run game got going with both Allen and Singletary. Opened up the pass game as well now that we can beat you any way we want.
  9. Poyer gave the pre game speech for the Pats game. Who's gonna give it this week?
  10. So did they hire this guy to shoot josh? I mean this guy is off
  11. McKenzie has one awesome game and we’re like omg! I still don’t know what his future is
  12. No, joe said next election will be fraudulent if his bill isn’t passed which his own party isn’t passing lol
  13. the voter fraud Biden said is going to happen in the next election?
  14. Or it’s more that your easily manipulated and they know exactly how to get those clicks and donations out of you
  15. hang on what? who armed the Ukrainians with weapons to fight off Russia? Oh it was trump. Who sanctioned their pipeline? Trump. Deal in facts
  16. why do you guys eat the ***** up so much? Any anti trump stuff and you guys post about it
  17. The Bills need to get this Super Bowl monkey off their back. It's the only way to quiet everyone. Go out and just take it and we forever have that ring.
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