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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Actually. My lady has been in icu last two years all over country and more than a few doctors have prescribed it and has worked well for certain patients. This was in Reno and Oregon. néw Orleans and Boston they used hydroxochloroquin pretty regularly but that was in the beginning of Covid
  2. Just searched Twitter. No videos of violence. Weird
  3. you literally said you were in favor of the riots yesterday and they were worth it.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10476451/amp/Brooklyn-private-school-math-teacher-suspended-saying-shell-boycott-dress-day-fundraiser-families-slain-NYPD-officers.html
  5. What a narrative lol. Do you actually believe this crap?
  6. coming from the party that destroyed how many cities with the riots and were cool with it? How many people died in those riots? How many billions in damages?
  7. Good. CIA on the ball with Baghdadi and this clown. Keep taking em out
  8. If this is true hue got paid a lot cause we won like 4 times in 4 years lol
  9. https://khn.org/morning-breakout/lockdowns-had-little-to-no-benefit-on-public-health-analysis-finds/ why would desantis do this? turns out the deathsantis nicname was in fact wrong.
  10. Gimme some Chris olave and he’s our slot guy for years.
  11. Are there videos and evidence of all these truckers being racist? Cause certainly those would be going viral right now?
  12. https://www.wigdorlaw.com/team/ they have one non white lawyer and he is Indian. Someone should file a claim against them.
  13. Anybody ever look at other teams names? There are at least two teams that just named themselves after colors of socks.
  14. Typical leftie if you are one you can be as racist and homophobic as you want. Neil is the homophobic ####### in this situation. Don’t ignore that
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