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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. the literal headline of your original tweet says the charity doesn’t exist. I showed you her website of her charity that does in fact exist. It runs out of a different state they just hadn’t registered in Florida. Jesus Christ man
  2. https://melaniatrump.com/be-best it’s her charity. Jesus you’re gullible. Hilarious
  3. and what’s happening now will determine how much he loses by in a couple years
  4. Seems like a Vince wildork type move. But like others have said we keep spending such high picks on the d line. I’d like to see a high pick at wr or o line to keep this offense at the top
  5. Joe Biden? Have you seen him so far? You should get back in reality
  6. I remember when I was told trump was gonna start world war 3. Lotta people got big mad. Those people are quiet now
  7. with the bang up joe is doing so far what evidence do we have he will turn this around? Guy has been a train wreck so far and the polls show it. We’re just living in reality not some fantasy land you seem to be in
  8. National archives to trump..please return the docs you think are your possessions. trump…ok here. billstime is outraged
  9. we’re talking about Biden not the republicans. Don’t deflect
  10. Yea the games over there for years have been *****. If they want some good will send em bill chiefs and I’ll be there in a heartbeat. went to bills London sat second row behind bills bench and only thing I remember was my girl telling Rex to go f himself and he turns around and shakes his head at her. What a loss
  11. yea https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/04/north-carolina-supreme-court-gerrymandering/
  12. https://newrepublic.com/article/165314/democrats-redistricting-blue-state-gerrymandering Dems are doing it bud.
  13. Nobody wants the Texans job. Lovie is just already there. Toxic place right now
  14. This statement does not play well in the court of public opinion. It’s supposed to be the black coaches against the Owners. You don’t tear down someone who has a stake in your lawsuit. Whoever did this is a ***** idiot.
  15. What happened when cities burned during the riots? Do you think businesses went on as usual? You wanted the country to burn
  16. They’re now claiming Rogan is racist, next will be homophobic anti trans etc. sexist then he’s removed. It’s their play book
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