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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. please prove it’s legal to run over protesters. Would love to see you show proof of that
  2. always deflecting. One doesn’t have anything to do with the other. One doesn’t make the other right. Stay on point. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/police-clear-lafayette-park-area-trump-hold-bible/story%3fid=78171712
  3. So what’s your thought on her getting stomped within an inch of her life?
  4. what Trudeau is doing is not democratic it’s fascist.
  5. Especially when the first down run was for 7 yards and our pass game is what it is.
  6. Middle of second quarter I don’t know why we ran 3 straight times and punted. They scored the next drive and we chased them until the fourth
  7. How the hell did it take 8 years to get him to trial? Guy has afew years left at best. Guy is guilty. Getting something thrown at you in a a theatre is not a life threatening situation
  8. turns out the photog is a little or maybe a lot racist
  9. They should just walk from it. There needs to be second tier qb money
  10. Henry got a 13 year old girl pregnant after he banged her in a gas station bathroom IIRC. Not quite an apples to apples comparison. Henry had like 10 kids by this age so Diggs seems to have a strong protection game as I think he has 1 kid who is 5.
  11. Guy can play both on and off the field. Hats off
  12. I'd say creepy guys watching women is higher on the list than cheering. This guy should get a hot poker stuck so far up his ass his last taste his iron
  13. So during the riots there was well over 2 billion in property damage alone, they shut down countless businesses as they rioted all summer and the businesses stayed boarded up. So you would have sent the blm to camps?
  14. You need to differentiate between violence and rioting and having an actual protest. You know the difference don't you?
  15. He could have at least gone down and magically healed her spine rather than let the emt's come and get her. Not a hall of famer.
  16. Because the Trump russia narrative is being debunked and you have nothing left. Just Biden being weak on Russia.
  17. Despite him being tougher on Russia than Biden has right? You know that pipeline Biden just said...hey Putin here I'll just lift these sanctions put in place under Trump and we don't need anything in return. Feel free to go on about your business. Thank You
  18. The whole russia gate is being debunked as time goes on with the narrative created by hillary. hunter is what you wish the trump org is. You're just too dug in atthis point.
  19. It's pretty well documented he was over there doing business and wanted to build a hotel there. But pretty well known he got stonewalled. Despite all the funny rumors somehow they never uncovered that he was laundering russian money through his golf courses. So sure but no favors owed to Russians. Biden is the one who has been very easy on Russia with that gift of the pipeline.
  20. And let's be honest here he's just selling the one's we know about. You know very well there is money hidden behind companies we don't know of. You do admit Hunter has had lots of business dealings in China?
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