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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. https://www.heritage.org/defense/commentary/nato-allies-now-spend-50-billion-more-defense-2016 why would trump strengthen nato? More money more defense
  2. You are talking about guys knowingly committing mass war crimes. It happens but it's pretty rare especially recently as society has evolved. Hell Russia did it to their own citizens under stalin. I could be wrong but I don't see that happening here and sure there will be some civilians being killed but not mass killings and Putin knows that's a line he can't cross. I still am unsure of his real goals here tbh
  3. Oh I'm not naive to what they're capable of but the average russian soldier is not going to be executing innocent people. They are not the SS they are mostly young soldiers, not well trained, well paid with short service contracts. If you start killing civilians the US will get involved and Russia will throw up their hands faster than the French.
  4. Russia can't just execute civilians left and right. It's one to shoot into some neighborhoods and have some civilians die but if they round them up Russia will not hold that country and I would imagine the world would shut russia off financially for good. No money in no money out and seize all the assets of the oligarchs and putin outside russia. Start seizing all the soccer clubs, yachts homes etc they own and this thing is over by next week.
  5. The issue Russia will have is occupation. If the people fight for their homes russia will never hold the occupation.
  6. There’s no leader on the d that teams fear. Guy that’s gonna lay the lumber at any moment and get a sack or take a guy’s head off. Lot of good athletes but get pushed around
  7. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/02/08/ukraines-got-20-tb-2-drones-it-might-not-matter-in-a-wider-war-with-russia/?sh=4176fb3c353f
  8. No matter how many times you say it none of us support Russia. Full stop
  9. Have a healthy respect for your enemies. Biden walking around for years saying he’s gonna stand up to Russia and they don’t want him in charge seems to have backfired. Now we have to pray Russia only wants Ukraine.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/couple-faced-pregnancy-challenges-theyre-215445120.html hough they didn't know it, Nicci, a teacher, was nearly nine months pregnant when she began complaining of stomach pains on Feb. 1. That prompted her to leave school early and visit a local urgent care. A short time later that afternoon, while Kelsie watched over the couple's two foster children, ages 4 and 6, he received an urgent call from Nicci. "I'm sitting there watching and she calls me," Kelsie — who recently opened a GoFundMe campaign to help them with the surprise miracle — tells PEOPLE. "And she's like, 'Hey, you're not going to believe this. I'm f—g pregnant. Not only am I pregnant, but I'm 34 weeks pregnant.'" How the hell did she never feel the baby kicking? I don't get it? I mean I went to one of those baby classes before we had our first and there was a girl there with her mother who had found out she was pregnant at like 8 months and it blew my mind. My lady would feel that kid playing soccer with her kidneys damn near every night for months!
  11. The tour doesn't have owners like the NFl and other leagues. The players get all the money. The courses are required to donate any profits from the tournaments to charity so the PGA can retain the non profit status. I'm not sure what Phil's big issue is but he always has some axe to grind. His nickname in the locker room is Figjam...***** i'm good just ask me. Lets be honest here these leagues don't give a ***** about human rights. The NBA has ignored what goes on in China, the NFL is trying to get into China and has marketed itself there aggressively as has MLB and even the NHL has tried to get in there. So the hate on Phil is a little overblown in regards to the Saudi league.
  12. If The Bama wr is there you can’t pass that up. Or the center and have him go guard for a year and Mitch retires and we have our center for a decade.
  13. Nobody is happy Putin is pulling this move. We’re pissed Putin sees how weak Biden is and pulling this move.
  14. If you can’t you should stop speaking like you’re an expert on it. Or stop speaking on it at all
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