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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. The door he entered was left propped open by a teacher. Normally locked.
  2. Uvalde is a town of 16000 people how many cops do they even have on their force? Buffalo is a decent size city with a sizeable police force that can respond very quickly. Uvalde I imagine had to call in all off duty and surrounding areas for help. That needs to be considered
  3. Landscape is a little rough imo. Can't invest in a sprinkler system?
  4. That bill wants to look at white nationalist shootings right? There’s been one this year. There have been 22 school shootings and 200 other Maas shootings related to gang violence.
  5. they better cause people are a little tired of this
  6. Now they're reporting the school did not have a resource officer and nobody engaged him before he entered an unlocked door at the school. Cops were on scene in about 4 minutes
  7. there have been reports three officers engaged but did not fire at him and he just went in the school. this keeps changing
  8. It just takes one lapse in security and next thing you know this happens. But we can't have schools which are the favorite target of these mass shooters be that vulnerable to this. Like, oops one mistake and 21 people die. We'll get him next time. This kid had such a bad childhood that he dropped out, got a job, saved his money just to do this and nobody noticed. Let's have a system that works better. We can all blame mental health let's do something about it.
  9. The issue is that 1 percent is the one who are ruining innocent people's lives. Again, we already have red flag laws. I agree there are always holes but there is a saying that goes...don't let perfect be the enemy of better. We're all trying to just make it better and we realize we can't make it perfect. We don't just throw our hands up saying well since it won't be perfect we can't do anything oh well. Yesterday the school had an armed guard who failed to stop the guy from getting in. I agree all schools should have them cause next time I hope the cop stops them. All your other ideas are great. The mental health in this country is terrible. My dad killed himself using nitrous oxide and he'd be in and out of hospitals for years with multiple attempts. I don't say ban nitrous oxide. Other countries do the mental health e v a l for guns we should do it as looking back on all these shootings they all have that in common. Just angry kids pissed at the world and want to go out guns blazing on the easiest targets.
  10. Look, mass shootings are 4 or more people shot not including shooter and they don't need to die. The vast majority are these smaller shootings at parties between rival gangs, friends etc. Then you have the schools, supermarket types which are the least common but get the most press cause of how many victims they tend to have. We talk about how many shootings take place in the cities. Well most of those shootings are done by stolen or straw purchase type buys. They send someone with no criminal history to buy a gun and then the gang member uses in a shooting and they tend to buy them in states where it's easier to buy them. Start with psych evals. Red flag laws across the nation. If straw buyers have to go through a psych e v a l who knows maybe that keeps some guns out of criminals hands?
  11. OK, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Japan You're talking about 22 deaths by stabbings in the last 50 years or so. I think we'd all trade that for what happened the other day. It's not an apples to apples comparison.
  12. So your idea is to do nothing? Instead of talking about banning them why don't we simply talk about the process to get them. Let's change that. We all want guns out of psychos and criminals hands. Lets try and do that instead of throwing up our hands and say whelp...nothing we can do.
  13. The buyer pays for it. We already have red flag laws in I think half the states that bar people from having guns if they are deemed unsafe owners. I'm not a psychologist but pretty sure we have people smart enough to figure that side out. All those issues you mentioned yes I'd imagine.
  14. Sandy Hook-kid had mental issues and his stupid mother bought him a gun. parkland-kid had a history of mental health issues, horrible child hood sante fe-couldnt even stand trial due to mental health. uvalde-terrible childhood, kicked out of his own home in march, bullied list goes on and on. time for psych evals for gun ownership. we already have red flag laws for people who enter mental health facilities, domestic abusers etc so let's go a little farther and require them.
  15. There is a middle group. Far left wants total ban, far right want no checks, everyone has machine guns. There are reasonable gun owners like myself who think we should raise the age to 21 and have a several psych evals and even a special permit for these AR style rifles. Kids brains are just not developed and they can be so emotional it's just not safe for them to have them. This kid had a horrible upbringing by all accounts....druggie mom, no dad, bullied etc. Almost textbook. Psych e v a l goes through all that and stops this. Think about the last two shooters mindsets. Get the AR's, in fatigues dressed up for war....they feel like they're in the special forces on a mission to kill the enemy. Saying they'd use a different weapon is wrong also as when they see themselves in the mirror with that style rifle they feel different and replacing with a handgun I don't think gives them that feeling. Gotta take that feeling away. Not everyone is saying take all the guns away but the process in getting them needs to be changed. Even if you were carrying and concealing you aren't stopping these guys unless you are very lucky. Go watch the Buffalo shooter video, I did. It's so fast you can't believe it.
  16. something like 70 percent of mass shootings are done by teenagers. Gangs ,school shootings all of them. Tie that to bad family situations, mental health and all of it. Raise the age limit. Also lock the schools down more. More red flag laws for mental illness. Get rid of straw buyers that are how the gangs commit so many of these Murders.
  17. Do you think you can get 38 states to remove the second amendment?
  18. The easiest solution to at least start for me is to ask how he even got in? I saw a video that showed him just walk into the front door of the school. We have a massive fed budget in this country and these psychos get hyper focused on being school shooters so lets stop them from getting in. Spend all summer ensuring every school in the country has doors that are monitored by someone and locked at all times. Every school has 2-3 cops. If the shooters know it's a hard target it's unlikely they even try.
  19. So let’s start there. Security at schools. If you disagree you get shamed like you did for anyone opposed to Ukraine funding. let’s wait to see why this kid did this and what warning signs there were. Like parkland where the kid had years of mental issues but somehow never got red flagged.
  20. 40 billion to Ukraine. That would give 300k per school in the country for security. That’s a start until we can figure it out
  21. We need less bad guys with guns. Red laws, keep guns out of the hands of criminals but that takes laws and regulation which I would support.
  22. https://guides.sll.texas.gov/gun-laws/license-to-carry Special emergency situations. Doubt this kid had that.
  23. Against the law for an 18 year old to have a handgun so how the hell did he get it? Take it from his grandma? Parents? You want guns? You have a responsibility to own them safely. Jesus
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