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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. That might have been the worst shot I’ve ever seen Tom
  2. She might need to do onlyfans to pay for this one. ouch.
  3. Sarcasm. But he should have been arrested for losing to the mets in the playoffs. I mean...it's the mets.
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/marlins-manager-son-wrecked-car-134108272.html Jordon Mattingly, the son of Miami Marlins manager Don Mattingly, was arrested Monday night in Evansville, Indiana, after he reportedly crashed his vehicle into the median of a highway then drove the damaged car to a local dealership and tried to sell it all while drunk.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-really-twisted-approval-ratings-135419590.html Only 41% of American adults approve of Biden's performance as president as of his 487th day in office, according to Gallup. Trump's job approval among all adults was at 42% at the same point in his presidency. "He's now lower than Trump, and he's really twisted about it," a source close to the White House told NBC News. Biden is growing progressively more frustrated that his team has failed to find a strong, consistent message heading into the 2022 midterm elections, sources told NBC News.
  6. so Florida raised the gun age to 21 after parkland, they have red flag laws that have been used 9000 times since they were enacted, no ammo limit and they already have background checks. No civil war.
  7. well school shootings are so very rare so arming them doesn’t really have any hard evidence. 130k schools in the country you have maybe 1 of these a year. the Texas shooing was in the 60s. There have been all sorts of mass shootings going back to the 1700s. Look it up. It’s not a modern problem. again. Cut out the supply chain of illegal weapons. Raise the age to 21. Psych evals. If that leads to less shootings that’s a good thing. We need to stop the issue from the source and not accept that some kids will die until a teacher cops or sro gets there. Stop the kid from getting the gun
  8. OK, so if all these illegal weapons around why don't we be proactive in stopping them from getting them? You know the most common way they get them? They sen someone with a clean record to a state where it's easy to buy and then they get sold in Chicago where it's hard to buy. Why don't we come up with a way to stop that. Then slowly over time you have less and less guns as they are confiscated during crimes or thrown away after crime. Cut off their supply chain. Cause what's happening now isn't working. Creating more lines of defenses in schools is just not normal. This school had SRO's and this Ramos kid knew it as did the kid down in parkland. They went anyways and still got passed them cause they weren't there. Not every teacher is even able to carrry. We all thought sro's would stop it...armed cops. They still try and have succeeded. I mean we're sending kids to schools with armor plates in their backpacks in the hopes that it saves their lives. This is not first world country stuff.
  9. Ok how bout answer this. What are your ideas of keeping guns out of criminals hands?
  10. too small fifth wheel. 21 kz Durango gold 382mbq full solar
  11. We live in our RV. Travel around the country with the kids enjoying retirement. We have a 4 and 5 year old. Oldest starts school in the fall. I have two guns but mainly just for wild animals as we often go off grid and just a bear gets hungry. My issue is not people having weapons for hunting and protection its that the conversation needs to be stopping criminals from getting them. Mental illness and age seems to be a big problem. We can't stop all of them but we can be better about this we're too smart not to be. All I hear is bad guy with a gun the criminals will get them any way they can! Well why don't we ask how the criminals are getting them and close that door? Or at least close it as best we can? Maybe instead of the 240 mass shootings we've had this year alone we knock it down to 100? Is that better? It's not perfect but it's better. We can't have SEAL teams protecting all the schools it's just insane. This kid knew these schools had cops at them as he spent time in them up until last year and didn't care. He knew the cops were outside in the hallways and hid in closet until they came in and fired at them almost killing one guy who got grazed in the scalp. This kid was no coward he had more balls than most of these shooters as he was willing to not only go to a place with security he was willing to fight the dozens of cops he knew were outside. That's ***** scary. He didn't just kill himself the second he faced resistance like most of the shooters do he wanted to go out blazing.
  12. One kid broke the entire social contract between cops and citizens. One kid put a chief of police's brain in such a pretzel that he forgot all of his training. Oh, the kids are probably all dead. Like everyone who gets shot dies. Billions spent on school safety and one propped open door breaks the entire system.
  13. do you understand how ridiculous this is? The problem is so bad we all have to carry guns. Step back and think about that
  14. School safety is already big business and apparently has done nothing.
  15. fyi I have an ar under my bed in the Rv. I don’t want stupid insane kids getting one. I can take a psych exam, I can wait a little longer to get the weapon I will have for years.
  16. Let’s find ways to keep guns out of criminals hands. The Swiss have some of the highest gun ownership in the world and no gun crimes. But you need psych evaluation, personal background checks meaning friends and family, military service etc. let’s just make it hard for criminals to get guns and maybe one day only good guys have guns? Think about this logically
  17. no I want psych evals for all buyers. All states have red flag laws and raise the age to 21
  18. The kids got in because a teacher heard the truck crash and she propped the door open when she went out to see what happened. Thats how this lined up. We need security at the schools but also need to put in some laws to stop insane people from getting guns. The only way is mental health exams for buyers. Will it stop all of them? Probably not but at least it'll be better. We can't have some classroom each year winning the lucky lottery of being eliminated by a shooter.
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