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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Evergrande has 300 bil in debt and is already a pink slip stock. It's already priced into the market. You've got some crazy ideas man so good luck.
  2. So essentially you're gambling that the the US stock market which is worth somewhere around 50 trillion dollars is going to collapse and you're going to get rich? You do realize that in this scenario it would mean the world would be ending and your coins would also be worthless?
  3. Supposedly Bill makes 25 mil per from the Pats and he probably wants nobody near his number.
  4. Well he'd just have to beat out Brissett. Cle has a fantastic o line, run game, weapons at wr and tight end etc. It would easily be the best team he's been on and the best o line he's ever had. Not saying he's gonna turn it around like tannehill but maybe he could be a high end backup.
  5. Well they need a somewhat competent qb to just hand the ball off and throw it once in a while.
  6. Wonder if they just swap Darnold and Baker? Cleveland needs a qb.
  7. it was .02 per coin then and now its .0002. I'm no accountant but the zeroes should be going the other way to be cool right?
  8. Josh almost had to have it when he took the shot from one of the Pats players on his left elbow I think his rookie year or second year
  9. I mean the head of the biosin company was a weird character. I mean when the Asian scientist comes to him and is like we screwed up here and I can fix it if we do this and he's like...no. Am I remembering how that scene played out correctly?
  10. Jeff Goldblum killed it. Sam Neill and Laura Dern were a little insufferable. Could have done without them. The new kid Ramsay Cole imo stole the show in the movie and he was in something else recently saw him and he was fantastic even though the show ended up being nuts.
  11. He's smoking that good weed down there. Weed is way too strong these days. Need to get back the mid grade stuff.
  12. So the left is against rioting now? They had to get a different story going after the kavanaugh attempt
  13. I wonder how much they get into the Tom Parker character? Guy was a piece of work. Likely left the Netherlands as he was a suspect in a murder so got into the US illegally, somehow signs elvis and takes like half his earnings when the normal rate was much lower. Elvis never toured Europe despite being wildly popular cause Parker didn't have a passport cause he wasn't a citizen.
  14. He was faking stories? lol classic
  15. You can get tested for vitamin deficiency. I did a blood test years ago and everything was fine. You should get most of your vitamins if you're eating a healthy diet. I take fish oil daily. Get a good sweat going as often as you can...walk, jog, weights etc. Hit the sauna.
  16. Oh you can get arrested for reckless driving for excessive speeding. Yes, Kraft got off of punishment because the evidence was tossed. Had the evidence been allowed in and Kraft convicted he likely would have gotten a fine and maybe a lost draft pick but I doubt even that. From what I understand there was a discussion that the lawsuits up to the date of the trade were agreed were the only ones to exist. The browns are stupid but you have to think they included some language in the contract and the trade to protect themselves. Or maybe they were the only team that didn't and are now screwed.
  17. Homicide and speeding are also crimes. They should not be considered equal though. What Kraft did was maybe a fine from the league and an apology. What Watson has been doing is perma ban from the league stuff.
  18. Krafts video was destroyed I believe based on the way the cops collected it. The woman was a willing participant in the situation. Kraft should have gotten a conviction out of it but it wasn't rape. What watson is doing is non consensual.
  19. This is certainly a pretty unique situaton and the league can do whatever it wants. Now, I don't know what the Browns knew and what the Texans told them so I'm just making some assumptions. But, if there is an understanding that the only cases were the orginal 22 or so and now more came out the Browns could have a case. The league would want to just have a board meeting to protect the shield as they say and just get beyond this. Is this likely? Probably not
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