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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Waco, Ruby Ridge, 125 mil settlement cause they let the parkland kids get shot, future settlement for letting mich st rapist doc rape hundreds of girls and on and on. How about they do their job better?
  2. Likely millionaire guys laundering money is with all these records drug numbers I'd imagine is high on the list.
  3. I had an ex in the IRS and she went specifically after drug dealers. She had to be at stakeouts and the raids and she eventually went into personal protection for the head of the IRS and was the first female on that detail. She always carried and all her fellows agents did as well on those types of units. So the armed ones would generally be going to the drug raids and other raids they think their could be weapons.
  4. He can manage a game pretty well and that's useful if you have a team like San Fran where you have a great defense, weapons at wr and rb. Like if we had him on the Tyrod teams we'd be in the playoffs and win a game or two but never quite the big one. His main issue is availability. He plays like every other year.
  5. It should take like a day to get it done if he wants it done
  6. it’s the court of public opinion. The appearance of a double standard. All these investigations that seem to go towards one party while the other gets off. It undermines the confidence in the system.
  7. the mental gymnastics of not charging someone who had more than 200 times more illegal info is very funny to me. Not to mention the fact that as a president he could have de classified these documents which Hillary couldn’t. feds knew they had nothing so they leak they were looking for nuclear secrets to make him look guilty and justify their search to the general public and rubes like you. It’s wild to see
  8. come on @ChiGoose thousands of classified info destroyed and no fbi raid and trump has like 11? Tell me again how this is worse?
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy read that and see who had more classified info than her. Shouldn’t we give trump the intent defense as well?
  10. All trump had to do was put the classified info on a laptop and drop it off at a random computer shop while high on crack and he’d be in the clear
  11. same thing. Apparently he has a 3 million dollar reward in his head from Iran
  12. Signing OBJ is better for keeping him away from KC. It's either us or them if hes looking to win.
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