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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_killings_of_NYPD_officers What's that about greenlight to attack law enforcement? How many other cops got killed?
  2. I think the only modeling she's doing now is for Under Armour and have to think Tom had a hand in that deal. And that pays more than her Victoria Secret did so you'd think it benefits her to keep Tom in the sports world.
  3. Breaking news. Son loves his Father. Call me when he bangs his dead brother's wife
  4. what other events did I bring up? Wasn't just Waco and it wasn't just McCabe.
  5. My first post in no way whatsoever suggested such a thing. You want it to so that you can just be argumentative. Since then I've said a bunch of times they simply need to do their job better. Is this how you have conversations with people in real life? Cause it's a very odd way to have a conversation with a person. Just avoid reality. Accuse them of things they clearly haven't said etc. It's strange.
  6. So your hoax is that I want the FBI closed? I've only said they should do their job better. If it means an agent gets fired fine. They have thousands more. Get rid of the one's taking away the credibility of the FBI. Seems pretty reasonable right? Get rid of bad cops as well. Don't get rid of all of them. Why do you want to keep defending a guy who clearly lied under oath? BTW you ignored all the other large ***** ups the FBI has had and instead defend this guy to the death for some odd reason despite all the evidence in the world he was lying under oath.
  7. Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department continues to stand by the findings of the DOJ watchdog that fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied under oath to investigators during a leak investigation despite the Biden DOJ reversing his firing and settling his lawsuit against it with a big payout.
  8. Merrick Garland your guy says he lied. https://denvergazette.com/news/merrick-garland-says-doj-stands-by-conclusion-andrew-mccabe-lied-despite-reversing-his-firing/article_47357d01-455a-5284-b9e2-3a75ec6e7bf5.html So is Garland lying there?
  9. So you admit he was found to have perjured himself. Now we're getting somewhere. Glad we can agree on something. Now, should he face consequences for his perjury?
  10. He lied under oath 4 times. This was proven by the FBI's own investigative team. You ask why people have little confidence in the FBI well this is a pretty large reason. Put aside your Trump hate for a minute and ask yourself if you want the absolute upmost professionalism from the FBI and if they should see consequences for illegal actions? Anything other than a yes means you are being intentionally ignorant.
  11. I would expect the director of the FBI to not lie under oath and if they did so would be fired. Pretty important job. Again, it comes back to why don't they just do their job better? If I lied under oath I'd probably be charged. Not him though. Good ol democrat
  12. The problem is she submitted it to the district attorney's office so the Bar would have access to that statement.
  13. Yes he got his back pay and pension back. That doesn't mean he didn't lie under oath, leak info to the media among other things. You realize this right? Please tell me you understand this.
  14. Well if she gets sued I'd think she would be disbarred for ethical reasons as that would be public info right? She could still volunteer and advise though.
  15. No it was due to the warrant issue and plenty of other things like leaking to the media and I lying under oath. It was a myth created that it was a loyalty issue. Try again. Again, why don't they just do their job better?
  16. Wouldn't telling them to do their job better come to mean that they will be keeping their jobs? BTW they also lied to get warrants against Trump pre election. This lead to Strzok, Mccabe being fired. BTW how about the Whitmer kidnapping plot that it would seem they concocted. Plotting to kidnap a sitting governor is pretty serious. So again, why don't they do better at their jobs?
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