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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. She reported next day to cops and did a rape kit.
  2. Jesus Christ this is bad. Cops have him on tape admitting to having sex with her. Consent in California is 18 and she was 17. Yikes
  3. He has probably the best value contract in the league outside of rookies.
  4. Weren't there rumors of that? What would your reaction have been?
  5. I want him to do his job better. Not lie about advising trump to shut down the country and then yesterday claim he never recommended that at all. Trump and others listened to him and now you blame Trump instead of fauci
  6. so fauci, the lefts god, was wrong? Answer that
  7. Yes the ppp loans were bad. Your boy fauci cheered on the lockdowns that didn’t work and have made things worse.
  8. The laptop has info showing that joe is involved in the businesses hunter runs. Why not investigate and clear it all up? You should be good with that right?
  9. the fbi halting investigations into hunters laptop. Start there and peel back the onion. Why won’t the fbi investigate?
  10. thats one thing I wish the government would step in and handle. Homeownership is such an important part of the economy and we need more owners and those equity firms out of single family homes.
  11. We’ve been over this. I never once said that. If you can go back and show where I said that I’ll delete my account. If you can’t you delete yours
  12. We sat tight for the Russian investigation which turned out the FBI lied to get some warrants and turned into a political witch hunt. But this time it's different right? The FBI can and has done a lot of good. But they ***** up now and again and when they do it's a really big ***** up. Like the Parkland kids that got shot, the Mich St rapist where hundreds of girls got raped, Ruby RIdge, Waco etc.
  13. Genie: you have 3 wishes. Me: I wish for a world without lawyers Genie: Done, you have no more wishes Me: you said I have 3! Genie: Sue me.
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