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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. it takes many months even years for some states to get rape kits tested. It’s a nationwide problem
  2. reminds me of Michael avenatti. I think this ends with him getting the pants sued off him by the victim and araiza
  3. If liberal elites delayed the vaccine they should be executed right? If they killed people who could have been saved by the vaccine?
  4. And if he had reason to believe she’s 18 it’s ok. Or if he had been in New York and 40 other states where consent is 17.
  5. why would you be upset? The bills spoke to the victims attorney. Unless the attorney left information out they looked into this and decided araiza was fine to play. He still might be innocent in this. What happens then?
  6. The bills attorney spoke to the victims attorney. Do you think he left info out when talking to the bills? Doubt it
  7. This is hilarious. Google some things but maybe you shouldn’t cause you’ll go down a rabbit hole you’ll never recover from.
  8. did he leave out information? New info? Not sure what else they needed to talk about if he gave them the info on what happened
  9. So I think the bills attorney may not have communicated to mcbeane exactly what happened. I’d have to assume he spelled out what happened to his client pretty clearly cause he doesn’t seem like a guy who is going to sugarcoat anything. the bills attorney also spoke to araizas attorney as well and she must have gotten some pretty good intel that Matt and them would be in the clear. It would seem she simply gave them some info that a girl was raped and Matt was there but not involved. Then the story comes out as to how vicious the assault was and now you have the shock the staff is in.
  10. Sad if they let it go. Last time I had it was catering for a funeral maybe 5-6 years ago. I’ll check Michael’s out next time I’m in town.
  11. Violas subs are amazing, como for some Italian food on pine. If you want to walk around go down to Lewiston.
  12. this is not true. They had one phone call with her attorney and an email detailing the accusation. They did not speak to the victim but likely cause that’s a risky situation considering you don’t want to interfere in a criminal investigation.
  13. we don’t know they took it lightly. They spoke to both attorneys and probably tried the police. What if they know no charges are coming? His attorney seems pretty confident in no charges. If he thought they were coming he’d be saying much different things.
  14. In there it says the police didn’t interview araiza until last month? That’s strange
  15. It won’t be a topic cause he won’t be on the team. No controversy
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