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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. https://www.wola.org/2022/07/weekly-u-s-mexico-border-update-migrant-deaths-buses-from-texas-smugglers-and-social-media/ @Backintheday544
  2. Do the democrats care that their open border policy has resulted in more deaths of people crossing the border then before? Or do those people just don’t count? you created a policy that enticed people over, which results in them dying and then get pissed when the republicans try to force some real policy change. Harris is supposed to be in charge. Where is she? https://www.wola.org/2022/07/weekly-u-s-mexico-border-update-migrant-deaths-buses-from-texas-smugglers-and-social-media/ in case you need proof. Democrats are literally causing migrant deaths. The pain is exactly what they want
  3. Herbert gonna be out a few weeks I’d imagine. Team has a soft schedule coming up
  4. Cb’s are cb’s cause they can’t be receivers
  5. hoax. Cause they lost an election due to their running a candidate everyone hated. So they tore the country apart with fake info. Even schiff admitted all the info was bs in the end and he was the guy at the front of it. Idiots
  6. the democrats literally created the Russian investigation to attempt remove him from office that turned out to be a hoax started by Hillary. God you’re an idiot. Then when that didn’t work they burned down a bunch to cities during a pandemic killing dozens of people.
  7. hillary sure changed her tune. As did others. Why?
  8. desantis should run on this. Except the funny thing is you’d probably have to just include the big cities in the dem states cause the rest of the states tend to lean right.
  9. So they ended up at the beach in one of the wealthiest towns in the country. Are you saying the wealthy people at the vineyard are pedos?
  10. They sent 50 people there. 50. The median house price is over 1 million dollars. Obama has a 14 million dollar home with 7 bedrooms and 9 baths with 7000 sq feet. Could probably hold half the people. Marthas vineyard isn't hurting here. Spare me the outrage that a bunch of rich people had their summer vacation spot where they have all left for the summer are complaining. Give me a ***** break.
  11. Ok, so the false part was the times of day the flights were at. That's not my point. Point is they were flying these people around the places that could house them. No consent given just sent to where they could be housed. Your consent claim is strange since they are coming here for our help and we have to send them to places where they can be cared for until the decision on their status is decided.
  12. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/16/tyler-kistner/claims-biden-secretly-flying-immigrants-us-cities-/ So 6 months ago Biden was flying migrants around the country to different facilities.(doesn't matter what time of day so ignore that part just a weird narrative). So it's ok when Biden flies them around but not Desantis? Can you care to explain the consent part?
  13. They flew on planes, then on air conditioned buses, were fed and taken care of. It's much better than the way they were treated by coyotes who don't care if they starve or die along the route. I've traveled worse on team buses in high school. Please. Now, the dems need to stop enticing them to make the trip over the border so they stop dying on the way.
  14. Go for it. Who says no to this? You'd think Donny Jr wouldn't want this list to be released right? Unless they have nothing to hide
  15. yes. are you really denying bill was involved down there? he rode on the lolita express without secret service. these are actualy facts that are not in question
  16. He had to take out loans to pay off other loans for businesses that failed. It’s hard to say no to friends who come to you to start businesses.
  17. It’s perfect. Imagine the houses they were in down in Honduras? Yikes.
  18. The left calls Florida and Texas shitholes. So the immigrants are being flown to nice liberal cities. What’s the problem? It’s all how you frame the narrative.
  19. You don’t drive the off road vehicle in the city. Don’t tame the beast let it go off roading and eat.
  20. Well, if something were to happen we’d probably hope it happens while josh is here.
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