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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. The dems should work as hard on immigration reform as those rich white people did to get those migrants off their precious island
  2. the dems use the migrants as pawns more than the republicans do. They’re plan is to entice them over this flooding the border knowing that the republicans will complain about the inaction. Then just to simply call the republicans racist for mentioning it. Literally the playbook here. they could care less about how many of them die and are raped on the way over. Doesn’t even phase them. Just scoring political points virtue signaling
  3. I see the dems inaction on the border as indefensible and abhorrent. They put Harris in charge who says the border is secure and just fine. Meanwhile record numbers dead coming across. But please get mad and keep calling republicans racist for simply trying to get some action done on securing the border. Dems hold power across the government and have done nothing but scream racism any time any body brings up the problems.
  4. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna36931 which story are you more upset about? now why don’t dems do something about immigration?
  5. first of all it was partly sarcastic partly serious. It shows the reality of these migrants and the current issues border towns face. If 50 people can cause an emergency such as this imagine the towns down there. The dems ignore the problem and weaponize when it actually effects them. They literally couldn’t get them off their island fast enough. 50 people. An island that can handle 150,000 tourists per year couldn’t handle 50 people. The democrats are getting hit with the actually reality of the situations these border towns face and they literally can’t handle it
  6. looks like a Biden rally. Still more than a Biden rally though. isn’t your usual response that rallies don’t predict support or something when we show you Biden speeches?
  7. they were sent to one of the wealthiest communities in the country that designated itself a sanctuary city. Why couldn’t they be offered jobs and housing? Dems need to explain this. Or do they not want migrants working in their nice 98 percent white community?
  8. If he goes down depth will be nice to have
  9. Shakir should be playing then. Good
  10. Nothing a like a scummy lawyer looking for a payday. Dems enticing the immigrants to travel through ten countries dying along the way. They couldn’t care less about the ones dying and creating no actual solutions for the problems at the border. Just want to virtue signal. Nothing else
  11. Chase Daniel gonna learn what it actually means to be a backup and have to go in
  12. https://nypost.com/2022/04/15/biden-administration-resumes-migrant-flights-to-airport-outside-nyc/amp/
  13. the Biden admin literally does this all the time. They don’t all stay in Texas. Don’t you remember the middle of the night flights a few months back? You’re not very good at this
  14. the chargers have been one of those teams that have always found ways to lose. Clock management, being reckless last year with the 4th downs missed field goals. Going for it on fourth down is fine but when you do it in reckless spots it’s just reckless. Just always seem to ***** defeat from the jaws of victory.
  15. that guy needs to be removed from the group of friends. Can’t trust him. No bad videos that hurt your profile. We all know they go to these places just keep it quiet.
  16. Jets may have actually used the picks to get some nice pieces unlike other teams that have acquired tons of picks. The guard and Wilson at wr look like really good players. Seattle thought they were close and were very far away.
  17. Chargers reminded me of the Bills KC game a couple years back where we blinked when it came time for the 4th down go for it plays. Gotta have the gas on and the balls to put your foot on the throat when you need to. Impose your will on the other team. The Chargers defense held Mahomes to 3 punts and 1 td before that second punt. Gotta have faith in both your offense to convert and your defense to hold them.
  18. Lol nice try. Population increased by .88 percent so deaths doubled.
  19. the current policies have resulted in more migrant deaths then ever before. Thoughts?
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