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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Meanwhile the dems voted down the investigation into the hunter and all his money and joe being the big guy getting paid. Sure wish we’d investigate all the corruption not just one side.
  2. I’m asking you . Where’s the Russian money that was supposed to put him in prison?
  3. wheres the Russian money laundering and all the other illegal stuff? Thought it would be more than inflated property values.
  4. Where is the Russian money laundering? Inflating property values is a far cry from all the ***** the left claimed the last four years.
  5. There's a literal video of them explaining it. It's not a rumor it's an actual video.
  6. No it's obviously not easy. Having hospitals seeing dollar signs on these kids is also going to make it very difficult for these kids right?
  7. Aren't you the one who posted the link of what tucker said? so you would be the one with the outrage since you started the conversation
  8. Can you just sell your kid to a stranger? No. Can you beat your kid? No. We have laws in place to protect kids and rightfully so. Parental rights aren't limitless. People have their kids taken away for abuse all the time.
  9. Parents make bad choices all the time. We expect medical professionals to not look at this as a money making scheme which is what that video you mocked had in it. Literally the hospital saying they need to get into this business for the money and that anyone here that questions this will be terminated. Doesn't seem like they have the patiens best interests in mind. We all need to take a step back. re-evaluate and come up with a plan that doesn't end up with a bunch of misdiagnosed kids who have permanent genital mutilation. That hurts the trans community. Being trans is an incredibly rare condition but all of sudden you see these giant increases in trans people and how many are honestly just trying to fit in?
  10. https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/sex-reassignment-doesnt-work-here-the-evidence Here's some good info. We regulate lots of medical procedures in this country don't we? Why do they have 12 years old as the proper age to do double mastectomies? Why not younger if you want no regulation? Aren't you worried some of these docs are doing this for the almighty dollar?
  11. So essentially your argument is since somebody rapes a young girl that it's ok for young kids to get puberty blockers? Why can't you just separate the two since they are clearly two different situations? Neat way you like to have conversations it's not insane at all
  12. Where did I say that? A ten year old girl should not have to do that. I don't condone rape. Please stay on topic here
  13. So starting at age 12 girls are able to have double mastectomies. This is actually happening. Bottom surgeries start at age 16. Puberty blockers given as young as 10. The suicide rate for people de-transitioning is about 80 percent. Anywhere from 10-20 percent of people who transition decide later to go back. The human brain stops developing in your 20s so waiting seems to be the safest course. If your argument is that they need to have the surgery to save their lives then how about we treat the mental condition first cause doing permanent surgeries on their bodies aren't going to solve mental crisis. Then later on when they are old enough and 100 percent sure they can transition.
  14. Yes, the community has a high suicide rate and we should all be more inclusive of them. My question to you was what is the suicide rate for trans kids who have the surgeries and then later de transition back to their previous gender but really can't cause the surgeries are permanent and the effects of puberty blockers have permanent symptoms. Symtoms like no more orgasms for life, penis just stops growing so you have a childs penis as an adult among other symptoms.
  15. What’s the suicide rate for kids who get these surgeries and later realize they aren’t trans? That’s killing people as well right? Who faces the consequences when those people kill themselves?
  16. They’ve been great investment opportunities…lol
  17. Maybe golladay if he’s cut but wondering what he did in New York. Any other receivers that could be had?
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