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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. This guy has done irreparable damage to our country that i don't think we can recover from.
  2. Always pissed me off he was on the jags team that beat us in the playoffs
  3. Owning a chain of massage parlors?
  4. D line needs their big boy pants on and slow down Henry at the line so the lbs can finish the tackle off. Offense needs to start fast and get Lamar throwing and Henry just blocking
  5. Don’t do that to demar. I’m not gonna make a bad joke about his heart
  6. That is a dan Campbell type call
  7. If this stands that’s the biggest balls play of the year
  8. Need to get the passing game going
  9. Franklin had 250 yards on the year
  10. Roundy where you at? Things are going well
  11. Check the Florida hurricane thread.
  12. If the person in charge has never done the job they are not qualified. If the tank and file listen to a boss who can’t or has never done the job you don’t trust them. I’m not saying all whites guys get the jobs just don’t have a rule that blocks them from the job like the video we saw earlier in this thread. It’s public safety
  13. Because they have been pushing dei when especially in emergency situations you want the best and strongest. If she can’t go in and get someone out she can’t do the job. Is there another job in the department for her? Probably. What is she gonna do? Run in and say oh you’re too big sorry you’re dead? She essentially is an empty uniform. And these are words coming from her mouth.
  14. Look at how Florida responds to these hurricanes now. They have it down to a science. California is completely unprepared for this and that’s leadership. Common sense *****.
  15. The dems have ran this area for decades and are completely at fault here. What is your solution?
  16. clearly they didn’t and now they are facing the consequences of their own actions.
  17. Not have dei, not fire guys who didn’t get the vaccine, not cut the budget, more fire prevention. That could be a start
  18. What exactly have the democrats done well there? Doesn’t seem like a whole lot of anything
  19. The opposite of what the dems are doing now cause it’s clearly not working
  20. But it’s all trumps fault.
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