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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. so because those guys exist it makes it ok? That’s your argument? Hey these guys over there have done inappropriate ***** were allowed to do whatever we want! License to go after kids! What an argument lol. Maybe it’s you that needs to look inside yourself Jesus
  2. That is completely untrue. Go stroll the libs of ticktock feed and get back to me. Your statement is completely false. You cannot even begin to make a claim that what you said is in any way true. Also, why have drag shows in schools in the first place? People in lingerie in front of kids is appropriate? Come on
  3. See you’re proving the point. At this point in time according to you there is no saying no to that community. Just allowed to do as they please. Appropriate or inappropriate. Put drag shows paid by the government in schools..no problem and if you say that’s inappropriate you’re a bigot. At a certain point you have to have rules don’t you?
  4. it wasn’t until recently that the government was paying for drag queens to show up at schools or that the us mens soccer team changed their colors to the rainbow. They’ve injected themselves into the national conversation. Two things can be true…their community should exist but also some limits on how elements of their community are displayed. There are plenty of weird ass straight people I don’t want at my kids school. Some things are just inappropriate for kids you know?
  5. How many people died in the uva shooting compared to this Colorado one? Strange only one is getting real attention
  6. to be clear your stance is that only white republicans commit acts of violence towards those groups you mentioned?
  7. how bout the 26 people killed during the riots not at the hands of either of those people. You act as though one side only commits acts of violence
  8. Mateen posted on one of his Facebook accounts: "The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west ... You kill innocent women and children by doing us airstrikes...now taste the Islamic state [sic] vengeance" as well as "America and Russia stop bombing the Islamic state." His final post to Facebook was "In the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic State in the usa." These posts, since deleted, were uncovered by the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.[123][124] just in case he disputes facts.
  9. https://www.axios.com/2022/11/18/biden-admin-saudi-prince-immunity-khashoggi-killing-lawsuit The Washington Post has joined human rights advocates in condemning the Biden administration's argument that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has immunity in a lawsuit filed against him over the 2018 killing of Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. The latest: Fred Ryan, the Post's publisher and CEO, said in a statement Friday that President Biden is "granting a license to kill to one of the world's most egregious human-rights abusers who is responsible for the cold-blooded murder of Jamal Khashoggi." wonder what the spin will be on this?
  10. So guaranteed money in contracts has to be put in escrow. They signed carr, Adam’s and chandler jones to 150 mil guaranteed so along with the stadium money and gruden money they’re probably cash poor for a while.
  11. Ok. It doesn’t exist. Speaking about doesn’t make you a Russian support either despite what you think
  12. why don’t we get a nice little breakdown of where our dollars are going? Seems it’s the least we can ask for right?
  13. Don’t beat ourselves. We are the only team that can beat us
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