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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. i agree that’s a huge move but how does 1 seed figure with a tie? Or do we forfeit?
  2. So does this game get played week after next? The Super Bowl and playoffs all a week later?
  3. you can also go into vfib and never lose consciousness. So there is also the reality that his brain never lost oxygen and he can be ok. There are lots of scenarios here so let’s all take a breath
  4. This season is so full of injuries it’s ridiculous at this point. Hyde with his neck injury, Morse on concussions and Hamlin getting bussed out. Just keep our guys safe please
  5. If the ambulance is waiting for his mother he is likely in the clear. They probably intubated him and someone might interpret that has not being able to breathe on your own. They can ween him off it but could be doing it as precaution
  6. Just seems cursed with all the injuries this year damn
  7. more leftist insanity. Guy has been claiming since 1968 that hundreds of millions will starve. Nobody has been more wrong than him and he’s still somehow getting airtime. Who buys into this *****?
  8. this is hate speech and will only cause violence towards that community. You cannot question someone’s gender identity.
  9. We should take away his medical license! His title as head of the cdc and not allow him to practice medicine! Do you agree?
  10. they had the smoking gun against trump the laptop was Russian disinformation the 2016 election was stolen by the Russians the virus wasn’t created in lab in china and if you suggest it you’re racist I could go on but you get the point.
  11. Putin has state run media which is what what was happening with twitter pre Elon. You realize this right? Please tell me you realize this?
  12. If only he claimed to be Native American you’d be all over supporting him. Or if he was married to his sister lol
  13. Devante back to Green Bay? Him and watson would be beasts together.
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