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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. You keep believing the lies they told you despite all this evidence slapping you in the face. the narrative has been debunked
  2. They promoted a false narrative which divided our nation and weakened our democracy which gives russia and china power. they played right into russia's plan. you see that right? they sold you a narrative that you bought and now seem to can't admit or just don't want to.
  3. https://nypost.com/2023/01/25/kids-link-hunter-biden-wife-of-fbi-agent-charles-mcgonigal-tied-to-oligarch/ This has gotta stick in her craw. The wife of an ex-FBI agent arrested this week for allegedly helping a Russian oligarch has something in common with Hunter Biden — their lacrosse-playing daughters, data stored on the first son’s infamous laptop reveals. Pamela McGonigal and Biden both received at least 29 emails related to the Next Level Lacrosse program and other activities associated with the sport from Oct. 7, 2014, to May 7, 2015, according to a search of the first son’s messages. Two of Biden’s daughters with his first wife Kathleen Buhle — Finnegan and Maisy Biden — were midfielders on the varsity lacrosse team at the exclusive Sidwell Friends private school in Washington, DC, according to online records.
  4. Democrats said we supported russia when we wanted an accounting of the money sent over. So you supported corruption not the other way around.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/beyonc-facing-backlash-performing-dubai-000518004.html Beyoncé was reportedly paid $24 million for the gig — and the whole thing has earned her mixed opinions from fans. Considering Dubai's incredibly strict laws against same-sex relationships (which can even be punishable by death), many fans were confused why Beyoncé accepted the invitation. Jason Aldean's wife says something about trans people and all the publicists leave him and gets trashed in the media. Beyone goes and promotes a country where they execute gays and crickets. Just excuses
  6. debatable whether it was moving towards democracy. One of the most corrupt countries around. Just big companies keeping the big war business going and those pockets filled with those sweet unchecked government checks. Remember if you ask for a detailed report on the spending you support Russia so don’t dare ask!
  7. can you guarantee Ukraine is a democracy? That they will continue that into the future?
  8. I think you keep Morse and draft a center who plays guard for a year and takes over after. Can’t make too many holes.
  9. Thomas at 13 mil next year in the slot is a great idea.4th to a third if he plays.
  10. I’ve gotten roasted for calling him the next dungee. He’s got one quarter to prove us wrong
  11. Team needs to throw out the game plan for the fourth if they want to win. Nothing is working. Time to unleash and leave nothing on the fire
  12. double ear infection and about to test for strep. Antibiotics coming her way. If I had gotten here 15-20 mins later I might have missed the game. I was first in line and when we were checking in there were 25 people behind me
  13. Starting the day at urgent care with our four year old. Got my ass here 40 mins early standing at the door in the 25 degree weather. That’s my tailgating for the day
  14. Jesus Christ jags. You’ve got a huge advantage and can’t take advantage of it? Don’t you want to lose to buffalo next week?
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