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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-crime-threats/u-s-israeli-man-sentenced-in-israel-over-global-bomb-threats-idUSKCN1NR160 remember when they blamed this on trump? what trail was it? I’m gonna call the local police and file a report.at least call and see if anyone reported it.
  2. To be clear…anti semitism exists. Some of the largest growing offenders are African Americans. You’re telling me that you saw a flier recruiting nazis and simply did nothing? You rage on here about all these nazi groups with hundreds of members nationally and you didn’t even take a picture? This would verify everything you’ve raged on here about and you couldn’t take less than 5 seconds to snap a pic let alone call a park ranger or police? You don’t even need to have them come out you can file one online. We’ve lived in our Rv for a few years now, been to a couple dozens national parks, countless state parks and hiked them all. One thing I know is this community and that they would not stand for this and there would be evidence of this somewhere.
  3. Because in this day and age this is the exact type of photo that would go viral. If there were anti semitic language it’s hate speech and requires a police report. Surely someone else would have reported it right? Why wasn’t a ranger called to take it down? So many questions I’m beginning to think this is a figment of imagination.
  4. Can you share the picture of this recruitment poster and the police report for the hate speech?
  5. also, it’s no wonder the largest group is under 500 people if they’re best idea for recruiting is putting up fliers on hiking trails lol. These guys are terrifying. Cause we all know when I think of hikers I think of nazis
  6. Which cities in those states had the highest murder rates and what party?
  7. sure in the modern age they absolutely recruit on the internet. They’re not out putting fliers out lol. The common sense theory here is a lazy fed or someone trying to go viral on social media. Likely the latter
  8. lol is this real? Cause in this day and age where all these hate groups are paranoid as hell of getting infiltrated by the feds you saw a public flier on a hiking trail for membership? Gtfo if you’re not just joking it must make you feel good that they are in fact this dumb and desperate for membership. Or the more likely scenario is someone is out there playing a prank
  9. https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/roberto-clemente-book-reinstated-florida-crt
  10. Has biden ever taken this many questions from reporters in his entire term? If a reporter asked him one question he'd be rushed off stage like someone was coming to get him
  11. Yup, condemned nazis and white nationalists and the attack many times before making the fine people comment. You're clearly in the wrong here. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/15/full-text-trump-comments-white-supremacists-alt-left-transcript-241662
  12. Asking you to list violent criminal organizations in order of acts of violence is not defending it. It’s literally a list of violent criminal organizations lol.let’s say ms-13 is number one how far down until you reach the first nazi gang?
  13. can you point to where I’m defending it? I’ll hang up and listen. Thank you
  14. now compare them to drug gangs, organized crime, in your words the church, human trafficking etc and id like to know if you add up all the acts of violence towards people for each group how low on the list is the first white supremacy group? Then ask yourself if there are thousands of other gangs that commit far more acts of violence how do justify white supremacy being at the top?
  15. no I’ve asked you a couple times to give me a number. remember that the fbi, splc, and other groups certainly can’t go to donors, congress etc and say these groups have closed or have fewer members or aren’t a threat. They’d lose funding and be out of jobs. Remember when the Lincoln project got caught dressing up as nazis?
  16. His is the largest. That doesn’t mean every other one has 499 members. lol give me some actual numbers cause for all we know these other groups have one member each or they’re al the same members just members of multiple groups.
  17. you can call people nazis all you want but at least admit that these groups membership numbers are not as impressive as you make them out to be. You seem to imply they’re this massive threat but in reality are hundreds of losers mainly living in their parents basements doing nothing
  18. give us a member count. Do you have more or less Facebook friends than total nazis in those groups?
  19. lol I missed your first sentence. Did you really correct me from 400 to 500 people like it’s some huge difference? Oh my god I needed this today. Slept like ***** but man what a great laugh
  20. but his group was touted as the largest group so all those add up to what? 1500 people lol? There could be like a guy in his basement that’s the only member of vanguard America lol. This is so hilarious
  21. n May 2011, the National Socialist Movement was described by The New York Times as being "the largest supremacist group, with about 400 members in 32 states, though much of its prominence followed the decay of Aryan Nation and other neo-Nazi groups" 400 people. Mother of god
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