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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. not everyone has that strength to do that. You realize that right? Please tell me you realize that
  2. How is a small female supposed to act when forcibly kissed by a 6-5 guy? She would have zero chance in a fight if he snapped she was surviving
  3. I think they should just put Patrick in jail with him as well for as long as josh plays. But in all seriousness this guy is just a piece of *****
  4. Went to high school with him and were teammates for three years. Super tough kid and was funny as hell.
  5. Ahhh yes, pedos exist in all walks of life. So your solution is to put more kids at risk? Seems like a great idea.
  6. Earlier in the thread he literally made up that he saw nazi recruiting flyers on a message board at the head of some hiking trail. He didn’t take a picture, didn’t call a ranger or police, didn’t post in on Facebook and nobody else in the entire world saw it. This is the person you’re speaking to. He’s delusional
  7. She places the race card, the woman card and the lgbtq card. Probably all at once for the trifect victim card. Never her fault though
  8. are people who make up fake nazi recruitment stories as bad as nazis? Yes, yes they are.
  9. You literally made up a fake scenario of nazi recruiting flyers at the head of a hiking trail. Nobody is saying nazis don't exist...they do. We just question how much of a threat they really are. When their largest group numbers in the hundreds we have a hard time believing they can actually do a whole lot of damage. Especially when people like you literally make ***** up that these nazis are out recruiting people.
  10. What happened in Virginia in no way makes your fake story real. Nothing to do with each other
  11. you made up a fake scenario where you saw nazi recruiting posters on a hiking trail. Nobody believes this actually happened.
  12. we can’t even count on you to call the police, take pictures or even take down nazi recruitment flyers in your imagination let alone real life. You’re inaction has allowed nazis to recruit hikers all over.
  13. I’m currently in full camo posted at an undisclosed trailhead looking for nazis posting recruiting posters. Lots of people with phones out taking selfies not sure if they’re sharing with their nazi friends or not
  14. come on prove your nazi hiking group theory. It should be so easy to prove
  15. You are sharing unrelated links to your claim. Just because there are these hate groups elsewhere doesn’t mean your claim you saw a recruiting poster is real. I’m asking you to prove it. You’ve completely made up a ridiculous claim and can’t back it up despite you being so terrified of nazi groups that you couldn’t be bothered to take a photo. Just admit you made it up.
  16. how about the Facebook group for the local hiking community? Surely someone on there would have taken a picture? Come on man you have a chance here to prove us all wrong about this. Prove it
  17. Because your claim is complete bull####. It didn’t happen just admit it. In this day and age with all the social media there would be proof. You won’t provide it cause it doesn’t exist. There is a thread on here showing people who make up false racism claims and this is now part of that. We have enough racism in the world that we don’t need made up bull####. You should be banned for this it’s disgusting
  18. no I’m saying quite often it’s not just right wingers that are anti semitic. I mean trumps main confidant and daughter are Jewish. He moved the embassy and was very friendly to Israel yet the left wanted to constantly project him as being anti semitic. Give me the name of the trail with the nazis. Please
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