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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. trump called Colombia on the third hole while golfing. By the back nine Colombia caved. So no tarriffs and they’re accepting the planes.
  2. I love Dan Quinn this is awesome
  3. No risk it no biscuit. It’s so fun to watch the aggression
  4. Schefter tweeting a lot about these penalties. Seems like he is gonna make sure this is a fair fight
  5. So are the people being deported going to be gassed by their home countries? Is this what you’re saying?
  6. Fake punts, fake field goals, go for it every fourth down. I wanna see the most reckless wild game of all time
  7. are you saying you want people who broke the law coming here to kill Americans? Very American of you
  8. The democrats spent so much time, money and effort on the illegals they forgot about their own people. This is why they lost the election. How have you not realized this?
  9. It’s called reality. Something you should check out. If we don’t take care of our own problems there will be no more America. That’s not something you want to see.
  10. We are already over budget as it is. How about we fix our problems before we start helping other countries problems? The old saying take care of yourself before you take care of others.
  11. Well perhaps when the illegals get removed the money that the local dems found for the illegals can use that cash for their own people. This is not difficult
  12. Apparently we can’t based on that community literally shut down the schools and still had homeless not getting help. They couldn’t open the schools to their own homeless but managed to open it for the illegals.
  13. didn’t have the budget for the black community but had the budget for illegals. The guy who wrote the article is black btw.
  14. https://apnews.com/article/chicago-migrants-black-latino-biden-immigration-ab8d7f22eea423d86fb350665b9e66f6 the community is pissed cause leaders said they didn’t have money for their own homelessness, crime and schools but suddenly found money for the illegals. are you really this ignorant or is this actually who you are?
  15. You wanna know who cares? The low income Chicago residents. Particularly minorities who have gotten passed over for the illegals. And you wonder why you lost the election?
  16. Just remember Obama and Biden were in power 12 of the last 16 years so they are responsible for any of the problems we have right now. People realize that. Trump won the popular vote and if things go well Vance is a shoe in for 8 years after that
  17. lol nobody believes you this happened no matter how many times you say it.
  18. I missed that. Classic
  19. You ever find those imaginary nazis recruiting hikers? What an all time made up story
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