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Everything posted by Slo_Bills

  1. THIIS 👍. I'll say it again, read the knowledge that our fellow Buffalo fan LabattBlue has shared with you. Eloquently and to the point. I understand the similarities the OP ( or the article) was trying to make but McBean are safe not going anywhere any time soon
  2. Thank god someone on here understand football salary economics. This deal at MAX is 3 years!
  3. Plus F-ing OBE +1 amen brother!!!
  4. Awesome post! So there are some sane stable members of this board that don't have a knee jerk, sky is falling approach to everything the Bills do, do not do, or is rumored to do. Lynch has not been a malcontent at any time in Buffaloe. Off the field problems yes but disruptive in the locker NO! One example he didn't wine when Freddy started did he NO! so why would he all of a sudden become a malcontent because he hasn't showed up to voluntary practice, the same one he hasn't showed up to since he's been in the league hmmm
  5. +1 Couldn't have said it better so funny how the members of this board knows the Bills haven't as much as sniffed the PLAYOFF IN 10 YEARS and there being picky with a proven PRO BOWL SUPER BOWL quaterback my god
  6. +1 What he said!!!
  7. My thoughts exactly. Geez, we need line help on both lines but people are still hollering about qb's and receivers. Neither one of the aforementioned is going to succeed without a NT to help stop the run, the opposing team will dictate the offense flow of the game. Then we'll be playing catch up, that means an young QB throwing behind a line where there's a lack of talent providing protection from his blind side. Screw the sexy friggin PICKS! RD 1 OL/DL RD2 OL/DL!!!!! Run the ball and stop the run, we don't need a superstar at QB just yet just someone who can manage the game. Picking a receiver anywhere in the first 3 rounds to me will be like Tom D picking Willis Maghee with our previous first round pick when there was glaring needs elswhere. IMHO Clausen in the first round if he falls and the top 3 tackles are gone. Then at that point RD 2 OL/DL RD 3 OL/DL. I'm no expert and don't claim to be one, just adding my two cents from what I've seen watching every friggin Bills game for the last several years. Paying a kings ransom to Directv and by mid season see the writing on the wall that the Bills are going nowhere. ANYWAY GO BILLS!!!
  8. Yeah that's pretty much sums it up for me. I loathe the organization that the Bills have become, but I still poneyed up a king's ransom to directv to see the team I love (to hate) on every sunday. Why? I've recently ask myself over and over. The only logical answer is because I am a fan and I want to believe this is the week it's going to turn around. If not this week maybe next month or next year but I love being the fan that can say I stuck with this team when they were 2-14, or 7-9 or didn't make a playoff in a decade. Just my opinion but I personally wouldn't feel like a true fan if I jumped ship when things were horrible and was back on the bandwagon when they became good again. So I don't think you could ever root against your team and be a true fan. It's kinda like your little brother or sister you pester, argue or even fight with them, but noone outside your family better utter one bad word about them. We on this board may argue amonst ourselves but come sundays the bickering stops and its on for 3.5 hours...... GO Bills
  9. PRICELESS I have to say one of the BEST statement/post supported by facts that I've seen in a long time on this board!!! telling it like it is and as far I see it this post should end there. There's nothing else to say!!! Awesome Senator!!! spot on about Jason, I don't hate or even dislike Peters but he's gone and in a nutshell the aforementioned post is why!!
  10. Funny I'm in the same boat with Directv I still watched late into the 4th quarter because I paid for it!
  11. Come on sit Trent and let at least see somebody else PLEEASEE!!!!
  12. Please see When do we consider benching Trent Post. You would think I was a BLASPHEMER OR A WITCH about to be burn at the stake by some of the responses. I ask the question WHEN DO WE BENCH TRENT. I don't care about the offensive line, defense, injuries!! get him out of there
  13. Only sad thing about this is most fans will say the same thing. Suggest that they'll boycott and not go to the games and then poof!!! Next year another record setter in home ticket sales GO FIGURE
  14. What about the freakin defense what the hell is Fewell doing!!!!! BY FAR THE WORST coaching staff with it comes to in game adjustment
  15. Great points I mentioned in my original post that Trent has quite a few factors working against him and the offensive line is one of the many, but I was making the point that when do you say let's shake things up. We all know this is not DJ way and will never be, but look how Donovan Mcnabb played when he was shown the sideline to get a different perspective of the game.
  16. Very valid point, I've could not have said it better....
  17. WHOA somebody didn't have there warm milk beforing going to bed!! I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with you, I asked WHEN IS IT A CONSIDERATION!!!!! and wrote some supporting factors to WHY it may be a CONSIDERATION. SO I take your giving a NAY on the CONSIDERATION of attempting to jump start our team IF AND ONLY IF (as I mentioned early) we LOSE. Man take a CHILL PILL! I would CONSIDER continuing with this response but I know I need to spoon feed you, SO we'll emphasize the word CONSIDER (OR CONSIDERATION) because you obviously don't know the meaning. You know what on second thought have a beer on me GEEZ CONSIDER it a token of apprecation from me for giving you humble (<---sarcasm) opinion
  18. I starting thinking about this as I was thinking about the outcome to the Miami game. I watched and re-watched all the games (thanks tivo). We are 1-2 and if we lose today we will be 1-3 and worst 0-2 in the division. Now I know we're having line issue the defense is banged up and I'm not putting all blame on Edwards, but when does he start being held accountable. We also know our coaching staff as a whole have to rank at best the bottom third in the league as far as in game adjustment and just plain being able to outsmart/outwit an opposing staff. Be that as it may, Trent have not hit the open man when A.) they've been open; he haven't made the correct read or just to gunshy to pull the trigger (hence the moniker El Capitan Checkdown, Trenative Checkwards <--hilarious or B.) he's just plain overthrew them. We can place blame on the changing of the OC ten days before the season started, but my point is this: This is Trent's 3rd year (well 2.5 technically) and the bottom line he not playing as if he's having that break out season, he seems to be stuck in neutral with the same ole excuses. "We have to get "enter some offensive here player(s)" more involved". "I'm just taking what the defense is giving me" "I'm not going to force the issue, I'm going to go through my reads...... blah blah blah blah! We've all heard / seen post game interviews and we as the biggest fan have armchair quaterbacked it. SO I say hey in closing (sorry if I rambled) if we lose today how bad can it really be to give old Fitzpatrick (or even Hamadan for that matter) a try. We'll at worst know by the end the year if we'll be looking for a 1st round QB in the upcoming draft. Would love to know you guys and gals take on this is. OH and for the record I'm a Trent supporter and hope to goodness that goes out throw for 250 yards w/ 2TD today and we win so the aforemention post would be moot!! I'm not the DOOM and GLOOM type GO BILLS!!!
  19. AMEN to that bro, some of the idiot sh*t people post, just plain silly IMO. Why would you even think about trading Lynch! It amazes me how when we get some talent the first thing some people want to do is trade them. You have proven a commodity, now you want to trade them for unproven hype/potienal!! Then wonder why we are always in a perpetual "transition/rebuilding" wait until next year, where just one player away team GEEEEZZ!!! but I guess what this board is all about, throw something out there no matter how OUTLANDISH and RETARDED it sounds some will agree and even place merit behind and entertain it!! First round talent doesn't equate to winning anything
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