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Everything posted by phillyrich

  1. The only way jauron gets fired is if a sles of the Bills to Jim Kelly nad his investors moves forward. With this being said, i would chip in for the pruchase to make the chage happen faster
  2. We lose to Cleveland and San Fran AT home. And We cant even figure out how to use the Buffalo weather to our advantage. Fire Dick now. I have a suspicion that is Dick does get canned after resigning (very unlike Ralph), could that mean that a sale is imminent and that the new owner AKA Jim Kelly has also seen enough????
  3. i would seriously consider committing the full weight of the organization behind Fred Jackson and dangle Marshawn for a veteran OL, LB or DE or picks. I am serious about this and sticking to it.
  4. Buf will finish 10 - 6. The chances of making the playoffs I feel are 40 - 60. We all need to remember how young this team is. No consulation I know. We have four starters on offense with three years or less experience and 6 starters on d the same. get off Trent's back everyone. He went through a sh-- spell. Unless you are on a blue chip/sure fire lock of a playoff team (which we are not yet), you will overcome the inexperience.
  5. Hey folks - I am glad some one has finally desided to address this. Our LB's are weak. Here is why: 1.) POZ just finished his rookie season. He absolutely looks like he has hit the rookie wall. No offense to his talents, he will be a 10 year stud. He is growing as a player. 2.) Kavika is a bit over rated. he is great at blitzing, but he is not bringing much play making ability. I am holding out on completely throwing Kavika under the bus because our D Line has struggled as well. We all know, a D Line plays well, the LB's play well. 3.) Keith Ellison is to small. 2009. I agree Dansbury is a the top of the list. There are other LB's as well. My 2009 wish list: 1.) DE - Julius Peppers 2.) LB Karlos Dansbury 3.) OG's Chris Gray or Seth McKinney. Either one. Both bring years of experience and toughness. 4.) TJ Who's-Your-Daddy
  6. We will win our next 4 to set up the rematch/show down with the JETS, a game that Buffalo will be healthier for. The Bills will be 9-4 for the game in the Meadolands. I feel the Bills control their destiny for a 10-6 or 11-5 record.
  7. Hey folks, here are my reasons why we are 5 - 4 ( and 5 - 4 is not a bad thing): 1.) The growing of TE. He is only 25, and has started 18 games. He has a hit a bit of a wall. The last three games, the Defensive game plans have been better vs Trent. I actually thought he played better vs NE, than vs the JETS. MIAm, NE, JETS and OAK all had a game plan where 7 d players were in the box. Only Oak blitzed quite a bit, where the other three screwed up TE by then dropping 8 in to the defensive back field. We had no answer for that. Partly due to Trent, partly due to my next two reasons. 2.) Injuries to key players at the wrong time. The Josh Reed injury has hurt the worst. The miami game we were in control, then one by one, key players went down. Schobel's injury as well. Even with how poorly the O-Line has played, I guess Brad Butler means that much. When he went down in Miami, it went from bad to worse real quick for the Bills. 3.) I have said this before, Melvin Fowler. Melvin Fowler is not a good center and an insult to us as fans. He is not managing the line the way he should we need a new center soon. 4.) Marshawn needs to hit the holes he is supposed to. When Jaws from ESPN states that he is not hitting the correct holes, then he is not hitting the correct holes. 5.) Youth. We are still young as a team. I believe we will win our next 4 and that will put us in great position for 10 wins, a good position depending on if we sneak out a win vs the Jets for possibly 11 wins. Anyway, for playoff positioning, it is better to get on a roll now.
  8. Thank goodness someone as credible as Jaws is pointing out the issues Marshawn is bringing to the running game. look, the line is part of the problem as well. But, think about it if you were one of the five guys blocking and compare it to your day job. You know are doing your job, yet a key member is not. that would frustrate the hell out of you. The good news is that this is fixable but Marshawn has to step up and lock in his vision a lot better than he is. Jaws points were very evident in the Miami game I attended, there were holes, yet no Marshawn, but Fred Jackson runs through them. this is a problem but marshawn has to fix his vision NOW!
  9. Hey guys, been a while since I been on. Busy with work and family....very upset with the injury bug hitting the Bills again. Never fear freinds, Bills will right the ship, and even with a loss today in NE, the Bills will finish 10 - 6. I dont know right now if that will be good enough to make the playoffs. See, I think the AFC as a conference has started slowly, but is playing, much much better football. I am not giving in the favored opinion that the NFC has over taken the AFC. Pittsburgh should have taken down the GMEN even with the crappy O-Line, Baltimore has the all four NFC opponents to play, Tennessee will spank Chicago (yes spank), Cleveland decided to catch passes and beat the GMEN, we are yet to see the best of San Diego (thank goodness they dropped Cotrell). Oh, did I forget Indy who is getting healthier as well????? Indy is a prime example of a team who was giving opponents the opportunity to "kill the wounded animal" yet no one has and they are still right in the middle of the wild card. With all this being said, Super Bowl Prediction - Tennessee over Arizona. Why Arizona???? They have the GMEN at home and that game can decide the Conference Champion. What about Carolina?? Yes they beat Arizona, but AZ gave that game away on the road. I dont believe in Jake Delhomme either. I agree with the assessment about Kerry Collins, but hey if he continues to make minimul mistakes, he will join a class of no name journeyman to win the bowl - Mark Rypien, Jeff Hostetler, Earl Morral, Jim Plunkett, Jim Mcmahon, etc. tennessee reminds me of the 85 Bears and 00 Ravnes. Let me know some feedback.
  10. Hey there folks, Quite frankly, this entire draft class has been slower to respond than any draft class in recent memory.
  11. Guys - it is not Jason Peters, it is Melvin Folwer. i will say this again, Jason peters was out of position on the Jerry Porter safety, too out of position if you ask me. i believe he was communicated a blocking assignment where he was to have inside help. But the inside help appeared to late.
  12. Holcomb - I love your passion. You know, you are right about Josh Reed's injury. I skipped his injury as an issue by mistake. Him not being available to give Trent more comfortable options was a factor. Hardy MUST STEP UP NOW! Disagree to your point on our O line not playing well at all and being the single reason why we lost. When I landed yesterday from Ft Lauderdale here in Philly (BTW Bills fans, you think we feel like we always get boned. Dont speak to a PHILLIES fan right now), I called my brother in Buffalo and we discussed how the O-Line went south when Fowler came in. turns out that on the TE interception, I believe Whittle got hurt on the play. Duke moves to guard and the O line went down hill from there. I can not tell you how vivid it was prior to Whittle's injury. the O-Line played well. i keyed in on Peters, he did dominate Porter up to the safety that to my grave was caused by an incorrect blocking assignment delivered by the Center, Fowler. If you were in the stands, you would have witnessed Trent missing open receivers and receivers dropping passses (marshawn on the Screen Pass). I am not bashing Trent. I am a huge fan of his. What I am saying is that all of this adds up to a game we gave away. We were not dominated by any means. It was just one of those games, a game that I feel very stongly we will make up in New England, yes New England. And Look, tip your cap to the Miami D. Not dominant, effective vs the "spread" - spread because of the 4, 5 options TE has available to pass to. Miami for the most part won the chess match as to when they were dropping 8 folks in to pass coverage. I will say this again, we gave this game away and I think a game like this can leap frog this young team forward and not have them regress from it.
  13. Folks, we will be fine. Just in time for a nasty beat down of the JETS. We win out at home (and we will - JETS, SF, MIAMI, CLE, NE) and win 1 road game - KC, we are in. That is why winning as manay as early in the season means so much, regardless of how we won. Another point about the game - when you see Pennington play in person, the passes look slower than on TV. That initslef illustrates how banged up McGee still is. We will be fine folks. Just leave Duke in for Melvin and tell Melvin to take his chess board some where else. Gotta catch a flight. GO PHILLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Hey folks, I was at the game. here is what I saw: 1.) Dolphins attacking a weakness IMMEDIATELY - T McGee. T McGee healthy, he plays much better vs T Ginn. 2.) T McGee healthy, we wont need to support the pass with so many players, directly helping the run defense and play action pass defense. 3.) what are you going to do, T Edwards had some bad plays. It happens. 4.) I watched the game. Outside of one of the most important plays of the game, the safety, SORRY FOLKS, Porter was shut down all day long. he got his sack because: a.) Melvin Fowler came in for Duke b.) It was obvious that the blocking call was not correctly picked up both Peters and Dockery. You all will be like, who is this guy, but, remove those mistakes and give us a healthy T McGee, we win. OH BTW, remember the screen pass Marshawn dropped???? that would have been a touchdown. I sat 28 rows up and it happened right in front of me. IT WAS THERE................................................... End of the day, the team played a bad game. JETS SMACK DOWN IS COMING ON SUNDAY.
  15. I feel the 2006 draft and UFA signees will go down for the Bills as a top 2, maybe top 3 draft in franchise history. Not only did we draft Whitner, Williams, Youboty, Simpson, Butler........we signed Frad Jackson and John DiGornio as UFA's.
  16. I doubt that the Rams will head in to Foxboro and win this week. The NE match up is tough for the Rams. The only way the Rams win is if Stephen Jackson has another monster game. With this said, the Rams could easily have 4 wins already, including one against us. the Washington and Dallas games were both indications of how quick and fast the Rams D-Line is. Including the GMAN and BILLS, the D-Line gave 4 powerful teams huge problems. I dont see the RAMS winning the division, Arizona is in a good position right now. Wild card will be tough as well with 4, possibly 5 losses, already, although how huge is the tie breaker over the Cowboys and Redskins......
  17. I am OK with the Arizona A!! Whipping. A team actually needs a game like that to slap them back to reality with what is required each week to win. When Trent got hurt, the wind was taken away from the entire Bills team. The team clearly understands what it has with Trent as the QB vs JP. I feel the defensive strategy actually changed when Trent went out. I am not saying we would have definitely won vs Arizona with Trent. Arizona would have beaten anyone that day. i am saying the Bills would have been more confident and competitive with Trent in the Ball game.
  18. A big time wekness has been exposed the last two weeks, and was alittle bit vs the Philadelphia Eagles. The O-Line is Super Mammoth. However, the O-Line average age is right around 30 yrs old and they are not quick/fleet of foot at all. Theses are the reasons why our D-Line had success against them on Monday night last year. Why is this weakness important???? The Offensive startegy is to throw the ball down field. When you throw the ball down field, the QB has to hold on to the ball a little longer than say Trent Edwards in our quick read/release offense. Arizona and STL Rams have very quick D-lines who gave us problems as well.
  19. What worked out with Youboty not playing a lot of minutes (if any) today is that Sna Diego was down at leat one receiver, Chris Chambers. We need Youboty big time just like we need McGee. McKelvin is still very raw as a CB. For McKelvin, at least we have Miami upcoming this week. i will be there for the game.
  20. Game Balls: 1.) Melvin Fowler. BUH BUH BUH BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.) Trent Edwards. Spreading the ball around to as many options while being a good decision maker looks pretty damn, easy now does it. 3.) Fred Jackson. I am going to fire up the boards right here...right now...we are better served with Fred Jackson starting over Marshawn. 4.) Kavika. Wathc the highlights, he just made ESPN. Who knows, maybe Berman will have a new nickname for our boy.
  21. Lets not forget that the Rams played both the GMEN and BILLS very tough into the 4th quarter, the GMEN game deeper into the 4th. 4th quarter turnovers in each game sank the Rams. I would like to have the Cardinals game back with Trent Edwards, it is what it is there, I am not surprised they beat Dallas. Denver is coming down to earth prety quickly. The team to beat in the AFC - till I see more offense out of Tennessee, it is a toss up between Indy and San Diego. Bills will be there till the end and win the AFC East.
  22. D_WAG, great point. I agree that we need to run out of multiple offensive formations: 3 WR's, 4 WR's, Twin backs, whatever. It is easier to run and pass vs any defense when the defense has to account for the potnetial of multiple plays they believe may be conducted on any given play. Why oh why should we make it hard on ourselves and run from a formation the entire world knwos a running play is coming from. Example: JP Losman's QB sneak from the spread offense within the 5 yards line.
  23. Hey there fellow Bills fans. Philly Rich here (and BTW GO PHILLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I would like to make some comments about Marshawn and the run game in general. 1.) Melvin Fowler is a weak link. We need an upgrade here and fast. He is responsible for blocking calls. He is terrible at calling out run blocking resposibilities and is to small. If Melvin does not call the right blocking scheme, the five guys up front will not communicate cohesivley. That is true for pass blocking as welll 2.) Marshawn's vision. I should say lack there of. I wish that we could have access to film from behind the offense on running plays. I will tell you there are holes to run through. I strongly believe Marshawn either doesnt see them are just runs to the wrong hole. Clinto Portis broke off five yard runs last week through tiny, tiny holes available. Do we thingk Marshawn would have made the same cut back decision that Fred Jackson did when FJ ran for the 20 yard TD vs the ST Louis Rams????????? FJ saw a hole, cutback hard, and burst throw........................... 3.) O-Line coach. I guess nothing to say here. the five guys up front need to buckle the chin straps and jock straps a lot tighter and show some attitude moving forward.
  24. Hit google with the name of the DVR you have. Google will find what you need, if available. Usually, there is a way to off load from the DVR the video that is recorded. TIVO for instance has a "PC" package that walks you through step by step the process. I would think that with correct directions it would be much the same for the DVR you have.
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