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Everything posted by Conch

  1. You're 33 not Your 33. It's allowed not aloud. Other than that I agree with your post but no matter how old you are, you should have some knowledge of grammar. Sorry for correcting it but it drive's me nuts when I see how people bastardize words. I also agree we should all thank Ralph that we have something to b1tch about. Heck, without the Bills people might focus on their lives and improving the city they dwell in.
  2. We will if you remove this one from yours: .they have....a 91! year old owner
  3. The Bills continuing to play out the rest of the schedule hurts more. Can't we just forfeit.
  4. When we win at NE for the first time in forever on Sunday a new day will dawn in Buffalo, the storm clouds will part. Like the Miracle Mets of the 60's or the Miracle Braves (Milwaukee) of long ago, this team will rise and surprise. We will be third in the division (1-1 division record) and the Pats will be last (0-2 division record). The following week we knock off the Jets while NE knocks off Miami. BUF, NE and Miami or NY will be 2-2 and we will be in the drivers seat for the long hard push to a playoff spot, as our team, the hapless, under appreciated, oft scorned Bills rise like a Phoenix. It can happen. It will happen. Or not. Boys and girls, we all just have to start clapping our hands and Tinker Bell will get better.
  5. It is pretty apparent that the most critical thing with the offense at this point is to get better protection for the QB, Freddy and Marshawn provide that better than CJ at this point. CJ will be fine and will excel once we have an offensive line in about 4 years.
  6. Is he in game shape?
  7. That is an absurd statement. Their performance is pathetic because of the talent level. Nothing else.
  8. Lynch breaks free lats in the 4th qtr and is heading for the winning touchdown. Mysteriously he drops the ball and the Bills lose. He is traded the following Tuesday.
  9. The Packer D will quickly be so far up Trent's arse that Chan will not have an accurate means of figuring out whether it is Trent or the line. Trent may well be injured by the half and we will see Fitzy throw INTs all over the field.
  10. A good earthquake could do that for them.
  11. Oh and one more tip, if you vote for an incumbent this year (regardless of party) then you're an idiot. That is foolish reasoning on how to vote and unfortunately one you hear every year. Either vote for someone and do so with conviction or do not vote. It is not a game. The Bills play a game. If you want change, vote by going to it or not.
  12. Missouri no tolls, but then no where to go either.
  13. Classic
  14. I am sure it would absolutely rock my Suicide League. Five things have to happen. 1) offensive line plays error free. 2) TE pulls his head out of his a$$. 3) Lee actually tries. 4) Defense creates turnovers. 5) Special teams scores twice. So, take Green Bay minus 13 as those 5 things will never ever happen. As for my team in suicide this week -- Atlanta over Arizona. As bad as I think the Bills will get beat, I will not put myself in a position to root against them.
  15. Aaron Rodgers would have been blown up in Buffalo. It takes coaching talent to create a QB. We have not had that here or JP would still be playing.
  16. Replace Wood and Levitre with Green and Chambers and we are onto something.
  17. No he is not a hall of fame talent. Based on what??????? His horrible play the last two years. His drops the last two years? Buffalo is wasting its time having him run routes and stick close to defenders.
  18. week 2 green bay
  19. Lee is what his stats say he is and that is about #60. He has been second to third tier for over two years now and showed no inclination to move up from that spot last week. He would be fighting for playing time as third WR on any decent team. declaring that spiller should be the #2 wideout is absolutely, positively absurd. some people are just plain stupid.
  20. Pick up Hermann Munster and have at it.
  21. Lee was fine with TE at QB until Lee signed his fat contract. Since then Lee has decided he does not have to play hard, go over the middle or fight for the ball. It is easy to blame the QB for Lee not catching as many balls but maybe some blame should go to Lee. As for Lee & Peerless comparison -- they both signed for the money, then their drive went out with the honey. Neither played the same again. Dump Lee now. David Nelson can catch 30 yards a game.
  22. What has Evans done in the last three years? Zippo. Who would give up a second for a Zippo? Not me. Anyway what is the difference with Evans out and Johnson and Nelson starting? None. Why all the love for Shawn Nelson? He has done squat -- 17 catches last year and a suspension this year. If his name was Marshawn he'd be drawn and quartered by now. Marshawn may be a bone head but Nelson is a cheat.
  23. if i were coach, i'd throw Brohm into the fire and tell him to either throw downfield or he's out. I'd bring Trent in to run the two minute drives and have several of them each half. I'd have Fitzy bring me water.
  24. Brohmaselzer just what our upset stomachs needed.
  25. So by looking at these stupid stat and think TE did okay in comparison to someone like Flacco. If you watched either game one guy has his head up, looking downfield and throwing the ball and the other takes a quick peek downfield, then goes into duck and cove mode, dumping it off, getting sacked or getting hit. Gimme a 62 rating and a guy that has balls. By dumping it off it improves his stats but does not improve his teams chances of winning. Obviously stats are for losers.
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