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Everything posted by Conch

  1. go to a bar, buy some beer and wings, help get the economy going. better yet so to strip bar, buy beer, wings and dances and help support fine arts and the economy.
  2. Sam Cowart (rd 2, FSU) - home run; as good as Ray Lewis before the injury Good article but I do take exception for this statement. Sam was good but not great. But as a homer you are allowed one.
  3. They already spoke to fewell. Rooney rule is fulfilled.
  4. I'd like to see Schobel work out hard in the off season (for once) and then play two more years.
  5. Our defensive passing stats are very skewed because teams can run the ball down our throats. To say we have a great pass defense is not correct because teams rarely have to pass on us.
  6. Sadly we do need a #1 WR as Lee is a #3 at best, and TO will be gone, but we could get Danario Alexander WR, MO in Rd 2. Take best OT/DT with #1.
  7. bring in vick, draft a DT, sign a free agent OT and LB, draft a speedy WR.
  8. No sense at calling Perry names. He has done nothing to earn defamation. To make it personal like that only shows how small you are.
  9. Unfortunately our offseason is more interesting than our regular season. When the most exciting time of your football year is the rookie combine and the draft your football team is in trouble. When you always root for your team to lose to get a better draft pick, your team is in trouble. When the best plays your team makes are in mini camp your team is in trouble. When your starting RB should be sent to reform school every offseason your team is in trouble. When you LBs average 195 lbs, wear tights and have hair longer than a ten dollar hooker, your team is in trouble. When the best QB on your team is called the Chroisen One and he gets cut, your team is in trouble. When the name of your head coach is Dick Jauron, your team is in trouble. When you team has 22 defensive backs, your team is in trouble. When your offensive line has less experienced than a high school JV team your team is in trouble. When your best players are your punter and kicker you are in trouble. When TO is the only leader on your team and he acts professionally most the year your team is in big trouble.
  10. perry is a joke for HC. That is not change we can believe in!http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif
  11. McKelvin will be fine. It took Youboty three years to figure out how to play DB in the NFL. It took Jabari Greer and McGee three years as well, it will take Mckelvin 3 years to get this down. Everyone oughta relax, he has plenty of speed and talent. Maybin needs some tough love from a tough coach. Not someone like Perry who grins at the refs when we have bad calls called against us. Get someone with some fire. McCargo is just a bedwetter and needs to go somewhere else and sleep in his own mess. He can take the other defensive bedwetting babies -- Whitner, Denney, Schobel, Ellison, Kelsay -- with him. Poz better continue to play like he has the last two weeks or he can take his goldie-lock hair back to Penn State. It's taken him three years to figure out how to play in the NFL. As for the offense get rid of the underperforming and overpriced players - Evans, Edwards, Reed, Fitzpatrick and TO. We are no better with or without them so get rid of them. If you keep any, keep TO, he at least makes life interesting, the rest are pukes.
  12. As a start, I would settle for professional football
  13. What is lame is this team, not TO
  14. Don't worry, we have Lee! Evans averages 36 yards per game against New England and has never scored against them oops
  15. Allen is after Shanahan not Gruden. Gruden is not coaching next year. Allen & Shanahan are buds.
  16. Butler at RT, Incognito at RG, Wood at C, Simmons at LG, Levitre at LT may not be a bad line. Three of them Butler, Cogs, and Simmons have 5+ years experience each which is a lot better than what started this year. Butler, Cogs and Wood all have attitude. Hangman, Scott, Meredith, and Bell are okay backups and god knows we need a lot of back-ups on the oline. Sign a good free agent run stopping DT to replace McCargo Sign Mike Vick. Rd 1 McClain LB Alabama Rd 2 Danario Alexander WR, Missouri to replace TO.
  17. All of them are relatively young. You could have two starters on the oline next year and Brohm as the #2 QB. Simmons is a former #1, already he has helped stabilize the line. should start next year Brohm was a 2nd rd pick and would have gone in the first rd a year earlier. Could be a #2 QB next year Incognito was 3rd rd pick and only need some prozac to get his act together, could start next year Meredith is a 5th rd-er but was projected as a 2nd. All oline men need at least 3 years to develop. could start or quality depth in two years. Draft was a 5th or 6th rd pick -- quality depth already.
  18. I think this year's in-season pickups..Brohm, Meredith, Incognito, Simmons, Draft .. have more than a 50/50 chance of being better than all of our recent draft classes.
  19. I don't think anyone wanted him dead. It is just no one should be surprised how Chris Henry's life ended. Nothing but trouble in College, five arrests after College, dies in domestic dispute. But always the excuse when he dies, he was starting to turn his life around. If you want to stop this crap, lobby that our "institutions of higher learning" start imposing the same academic standards for every one regardless of their contributions to the sports program bottom line. If athletes want to attend College they actually have to earn it in grade school and high school classrooms before they get there. Then they actually have to attend and pass meaningful classes. Instill learning and discipline at an early age and stop pandering to these sports stars and you will see less of these tragic endings. Where we fail people like Chris Henry is giving him a free pass their whole life because he can run fast and catch a football. There is never a need to grow mentally and when they try it is usually too late.
  20. Everyone is acting like he is some great guy. Guess what, he isn't. It's too bad he is hurt but a lot of people were hurt in car accidents today. A lot of good people are laying it on the line in Iraq & Afghanistan, you don't seem to give a crap about them. Quit idolizing these stupid athletes.
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