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Everything posted by Conch

  1. Vick two of the three OT or DT or LB in FA remaining OT, DT or LB in Rd1 WR in Rd 2 Another LB in rd 3
  2. I'd be happy with Garrett, I am sure he was hoping Wade got the ax but that shouldn't happen now. But don't put it past Jerry to win the SB and still fire Wade to keep a pretty boy face.
  3. It is criminal that Oher and Ngata are not on the Bills roster.
  4. If you worry about this you have more to worry about than this.
  5. I like Cody more.
  6. We couldn't get Joe Cribbs at age 40 for Roscoe.
  7. Chill dude and never threaten anyone that you will have the Buffalo police violate privacy laws because someone disagreed or maligned you on OBD. Seems like you need a few lectures on how to operate in polite society. If you want my address or anyone else's so you can try to kick a$$ just ask for it.
  8. He stays if we land P Manning or Brady in a trade.
  9. Snyder will go get the players that Shanahan needs. Ralph will not...Buddy "we will build from the draft." Shanahan, Cowher et al want to win and win now. These coaches will help attract the players they need to be successful and they want an aggressive owner. Ralph will build slowly if at all.
  10. There will be half a dozen experienced starting QBs available in FA. Get the best one available (Vick IMO). Give Brohm another year to learn. Draft a DT, LB and OT in first three rounds, best available player in any order.
  11. RB Billy Joe. After a successful AFL career he went on to write and sing a lot of hit songs including Piano Man.
  12. Look at what he has done. A very dismal season ends, the entire coaching staff is fired not at the end of the season but starting the week before the season began before being completely swept out after the last game, our top draft pick hardly plays, our second first round pick is crippled, our no 1 RB is beaten by a journeyman, TO is going, there are few bright spots on the horizon and not one post is complaining about the horrendous product he handed us this year. Every post is about the cat and mouse games being played for head coach or the recent hiring of Buddy Nix or April's draft. Actually from the end of the season until draft day is, in truth, our Bills Season because we haven't had a professional team play here for almost 10 years. Hats off to Russ for deflecting our attention away from Buffalo Bills Football to post season nonsense! And the NFL playoffs haven't even started! Truly remarkable accomplishment. And we eat it up.
  13. shakespeare could not have commented better
  14. Sadly, our punter is our best player.
  15. Very reliable source says it is Cowher.
  16. I just spoke with my pet guinea pig. He said Cowher is mildly interested in the Bills. He is usually 73% accurate with his information, which is better than anyone on this board or in the media.
  17. Goodell is going to investigate why NE was playing its starters.
  18. Marty would be a disaster. He is done. This board will whine like stuck pigs by Sep 15th 2010.
  19. Gone is TO. He was a model citizen on a horrible team. He will land somewhere and have a good season next year. NE or Miami.
  20. Ralph Buddy and Brandon made a list of coaches and Haslett was the only one they knew. He is a lock!
  21. good luck, I hope the Bills deliver Cowher for you.
  22. We have a long ways to go to be mediocre. Mediocre would have been a big improvement
  23. i think you missed his sarcasm
  24. The players are not brought in to get an education dummy. They are brought in to make more money for the sports department so they can pay exorbitant salaries to college coaches who pose as "coach / educators". Colleges have been hijacked by their sports departments and alumnae associations with the support of Washington and State Govts'. It is truly criminal but no one wants to change. It spotlights just another way as to how corrupt our society has become. Time for a revolution.
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