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Everything posted by Conch

  1. If Ben spent the rest of his career in Buffalo isn't that like getting 5 to 10 for rape?
  2. they were obviously looking 7 to 10 years out which is how long CJ will last, just like Marshawn...............
  3. One of the top ten picks will fall to Buffalo at #9. That is about all that anyone can realistically predict.
  4. Sooner or later you must develop integrity. You must stand up and say no more of this crap. OJ wasn't convicted, if he was still in his prime, would you want him back on the team after he was declared not guilty, just so you could sit at home, wear a Simpson jersey on your back all for the sake of saying your team of overpaid prima donnas beat another team of overpaid prima donnas. Would you be saying that if the girl was you daughter, sister or mother? You have no class and and are a loser. Please leave the city and go root for the Cowboys, another classless franchise.
  5. It is not harsh. He should have gotten the season. It also shows that the NFL obviously believes he is guilty. No way does this suspension happen if the girl was an opportunist. He raped her and he should be suspended for the season.
  6. We suck. We are who they think we are. We deserve to be playing on Saturdays against Harvard, Penn, Brown and Yale.
  7. Exactly. Pi$$ on this pox of a human.
  8. He should not be allowed on the football field. He is scum.
  9. Big Ben and his bodyguards should be in jail for unlawful imprisonment. He should get at the least one year ban from football and I hope she wins $10M from him in the civil suit. The guy is pig.
  10. Rest of AFC East leaving Bills Behind I bet Bill's relieved.
  11. Had the Pats, Fins and Jets done nothing at all this offseason they would have further distanced themselves from the Bills. The Bills did nothing about their three major trouble spots LOT, NT and QB. We transformed our defensive philosophy but did not transform our defense so they could play it. The distance from 4th to 3rd has never been so great. Two teams got stronger via FA, Miami and NY. While the Pats stockpiled draft picks. It is naive to think that we have superior coaching that will bridge this gap. It is naive to think that we have a better FO that will bridge this gap. It is plain stupid to think that ownership will bridge this gap. And our personnel certainly will not bridge that gap. Someone please name the two or three leaders on this team. Guess what -- this team has no leaders. George Wilson is probably the only one that comes close to being a leader and he doesn't start. Stroud is a decent player but not a leader. Poz, has trouble with his own position, and is not a leader. Mitchell? You can't lead from the injury ward. Lee? Can't lead when you don't play hard. The rest are rookies moving to second year. Without leadership this team will go where it is led. Nowhere. Sorry you cool aid drinkers. But we are worse off than last year which was horrid.
  12. if we are not going to take biggest area on need OT, NT or QB take the BPA. CJ Spiller.
  13. Betcha they don't put Revis on Welker or poor Lee would be #4 in the AFC East and #5 or 6 if he included Jets receivers. Lee has dropped to a #2 or #3 receiver. He certainly played like a #2 behind TO and on a good team would be #3. He is paid like a #1. Maybe one of the reason our QBs stunk is because Lee didn't play very hard. Naw, nobody can say that, that might hurt Lee's feelings. It would mean he signed his contract and than laid down.....just like his stats show. Take a hard look at his stats since he signed.
  14. You have to quit drinking the cool aid that comes with every new coach and new GM. Take a good look at the film. We stunk last year. The defense stuck last year. The Pass D stats were simply an aberration due to the lousy play of the run D. When teams needed to pass on us they did and did it easily. Usually they did not have to. The Defense switch does not play to our strengths, Stroud, Mitchell, Maybin, Williams, Kelsay are all in unfamiliar positions. How you can say we are better for it is bizarre. Poz was not a very good MLB maybe he will as one of two ILB. We are woefully prepared for this D from a personnel standpoint. We have two average free agents that played this D before. That is it. Henne was steady but not spectacular. He is young and improving, no one is calling him a bust. He is their starter for 2010. No big question mark about that. Who is our starter? Big question marks about that. TE, everyone is calling him a bust. Brohm, bust in GB, can he play? who knows. Ryan - gimme a break, will never be more than marginal. He looks like a thin Alex Van Pelt. Nice guy, smart, but average at the game.
  15. I agree grab this guy. he could start day 1 if his knee holds up. He runs great routes and has great hands.
  16. As you say, we won 6 games last year despite the fact that we sucked. We should have won 2 but some other teams also suck as bad as we do. Don't compare us to teams that suck and and say because we suck less than they do that there is progress. In 2010 we will not win a divisional game for the second time in three seasons unless we get very lucky. MIAMI HAS MAJOR QB QUESTIONS?!?!?! No we have major QB questions. We have a 1/2 talent from Harvard or Yale. Another guy that lost out to a 7th round pick and a California nutty bar that even TO had pity for and did not b!tch a lot at him. No team has a bigger QB question than we do. Our defense last year sucked and it will suck this year. This years D will play an entirely new scheme primarily comprised of players that fit the old D scheme that they sucked at and not the new scheme. Then the pass D numbers were skewed because the run D was the worst in the league. This D on paper looks atrocious.
  17. If you don't mind wearing a jersey that cost $80 for a second stringer.
  18. Won't make any difference, the Dolphins will continue to slide this year. While our expectations for the Bills are so low that 1-15 can be perceived as improving. And besides our one win will be against the Fish and guess how that will make you feel.
  19. For people who say Ben is just hanging in the wrong places..that's like saying OJ was simply hanging in the wrong places. Like his ex-wife's front yard. There is more to this sexual deviant.
  20. In either case draft someone to take his place.
  21. Look it is okay to buy a five year old a jersey with someone's name on it. But to wear one as an adult? Sooner or later you just have to f###in grow up.
  22. No problem as long as your last name is Kelly. Buy a Bills jersey and put your own name on it for god's sake. What is with this jock idol worship? Do you think you are like them because you wear their name? Wear you own name and wear it proudly. I do agree about the avatar.
  23. never buy a jersey that does not have your own name on it. it shows (1) you have no pride in yourself (2) you dream about men.
  24. Is he round and pink?
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