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Everything posted by Conch

  1. We will have the first or second pick. We will draft aQB and we will sign him. We will sign him after camp starts but we will sign him. Take that to the bank. Ralph doesn't like to spend a lot of money on black players after Dockery, Peters and Evans took the more and laid down. Only white ones like Poz, Kelsay and Schobel. He will sign a white QB no questions asked.
  2. Yes and put Mike Williams in at RT to block for him.
  3. Drink heavily. If you don't like the ribbing puke on their shoes and proudly say you are from Buffalo.
  4. Plain and simple you are a puss.
  5. To think that is not Favre is so freaking absurd. Do you guys live in lala land or what? First, if it wasn't him the first thing he would do is scream "Hey that's not my d*** or Hey, that is not my cell phone number or It can't be me I like guys!". I'd say anything so my wife doesn't take half. But what do we hear "I have to focus on the Jets right now, ask me about the football game". Favre does a great interpretation of Mark McGwire. I bet you all think McGwire didn't do steroids until this past April when he finally quasi admitted it. You probably think Lance Armstrong was clean too. Wake the F up. And one more rant, Favre's actions are not an error in judgement, sending naked pics of yourself to anyone that hasn't asked for them is predatory and perverted. He is not as bad as Rapist Ben, who should be in jail and out of football forever, but he is not very far behind. I know, I know Brett is an icon so lets protect him.
  6. Gotta be Blues BB King doing The Thrill is Gone http://www.nutsie.com/song/The%20Thrill%20Is%20Gone/2169257?artist_id=7048632&album_id=
  7. He's Brett, he will have happy ending.
  8. 3-5 at the half and they still have a good shot at the division crown, especially with Green Bay injuries, an erratic Bears team but watch out for DET. They may finish at .500 or above.
  9. Yeah but we maybe should call him Fritz. Sounds more Germanic, like he belongs on Hogans Heroes or something.
  10. Of course the rest of the NFL wants the bills to stay. Less competition.
  11. You make it sound like $7M is a bargain. Ridiculous
  12. You d-bag, it is not that he refuses to run the pattern, it is that he doesn't run the pattern hard, take the hit and make a play. No guts. He turns gets bumped and stops. How many times did Fitz throw to where Lee should gave been but Lee did not finish, because he has no guts. The problem is with all of you Lee lovers is that he is a below average player on a team where everyone is so far below average you hang onto this washout only because he had a good season 4 years ago. You haven't watched good football in so long you accept bad football. Lee is a slug. Did you watch the game tonight - jets and vikes. there were receivers on both sides that showed heart. Tough defenses but the receivers kept playing. When was the last time Lee played hard in the second quarter (let alone the second half) against a tough defense? He is a quitter and quit this team long long ago, yet all you think about is how he played his first couple of years. Open your freaking eyes, look at his stats, look at what he does crunch time. Now tell me the last good game he had when he made a difference during crunch time and don't point to one play last Sunday against a sub par defense. He had one good play all day and was in his shell the rest of the time until the game was out of hand when he pulled in 2 or 3 more garbage catches. 4, 0, 5, 1, 5, 15 catches 5 games. He blows but this team is so bad you all think he is a superstar. I don't know what is more pathetic Lee or the Lee lovers.
  13. You missed a few "He isn'ts" and they are: He isn't producing. He isn't earning his salary. He isn't trying. He just isn't very good anymore and "He isn't" been good for a very long time. What is a WR worth that gives you 3 catches, 36 yds, and 1 first down per game, has one score in 5 games, does not go over the middle, has about 2 drops per game and does not take pressure off the other WRs? Sure as heck isn't $7M to $9M / year. Then half his catches are in garbage time. Should have had a clause in his contract that said null and void if he laid down and played like a pansy once it was signed. He is probably a nice guy and a good teammate just like Chris Kelsay. But like Kelsay he is way overpaid, extremely unproductive and just not very good. Put in Namaan Roosevelt, I'd prefer to see someone who would put in some kind of effort. Where is his pride? You'd think that alone would make him try to catch a ball over the middle at least once per game. Or take a hard hit just so you know you were in the game when you woke up on Monday. As kids we called it "getting your uniform dirty".
  14. You are not going to get a #1 for a guy that in five games has caught one ball when it mattered and dropped plenty when it did. If he were catching 8 to 10 per game and producing at a high level, maybe you could get a second round pick from a contender in need. But he is producing like an 4th round rookie on a team with three veteran wideouts ahead of him. The real problem is that he has been consistently playing like a rookie for the third year in a row. Get a 4th or 5th round for this slug and be happy. He is nowhere near a #1 WR. Show me a single stat since 2008 that says otherwise.
  15. If Bruce Smith and Jim Kelly were sitting there I'd take Bruce or maybe I'd take Jim. If Smith and Elway are there, you would have to take Elway. Then he'd refuse to play for the Bills and you trade him.
  16. I just started this about race to stir things up. I truly believe Favre will be ripped apart just like Tiger. And as Favre has been married a lot longer than Tiger the numbers in his infidelity harem will be greater than Tiger's. You can all scream and shout that it is premature to make allegations against the all-time favorite white QB, but where where is smoke there is fire.
  17. So it is starting to come out that Brett Farve is as bad a stray dog as Tiger. It will be interesting to see if white America treats him the same as they treated Tiger. I tend to doubt it.
  18. Bart S - Bart Simpson! He could lead us.
  19. Abraham had sex with his daughters. Give the guy a break and let him get on with his life.
  20. Why do you even bother to defend this pathetic team? Why are you offended by someone predicting a low scoring debacle versus a high scoring debacle? Why is it so asinine to predict a 20-9 score? Are you expecting Lee Evans to give a **** Sunday when he hasn't all year? How many times have you seen an obvious high scoring game result in a low scoring game? If you are so sure you'd clean up at the sports book. According to the poster you are about as asinine as Peter King.
  21. The worst it will be is 16 losses. Picked the wrong season to quit sniffing glue.
  22. Right now Spiller couldn't block Kelsay or Maybin does that make him a bust?
  23. The truth is long term Lynch and Spiller will be much more effective than Jackson and Spiller as Jackson will be done in two years and Lynch will have another 7 years to go. Lynch may have been a headache but when you have a headache you take aspirin and relieve the headache you do not remove your head.
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