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Everything posted by Schobel94

  1. Hahahahahahahaha...I love that movie!
  2. wow, you don't get the concept of how tiring defense gets when you are playing PASS DEFENSE. really think about it. do you honestly think they would challenge the number 5 ranked run defense to see if there running back could be the central point of there gameplan. hmmm i am thinking they would rather run a cold weather team ragged in the arizona heat and challenge our undersized secondary to cover there wide recievers. your body naturally gets beat up and its no wonder they got tired, five plays covering man to man with no pass rush whatsoever to make warner make bad throws(i have no idea what happened with our d-line) and yeah YOU WILL BE TIRED!
  3. oh really, cuz that sounds like excellent coaching to me, not to mention the fact that the speed of the national football league is the same as your highschool football team. just do us all a favor and go gameplan for your next team loss.
  4. please...try to understand this, when the defense is on the field in the redzone(from the result of the offensive fumble) and is still on the field for 8 plays with the cards converting, you WILL BE TIRED, now let them rest for 20 seconds and then put them back out there and ask them to cover possibly the deepest wide recieving core in the game for 80 yards. put that into context with the fact that your starting quarterback is injured(it does mentally take its toll) and the cardinals offense is reved up because they are at home currently beating an undefeated team. Mentallity is a huge part of the game.
  5. for anyone who has played anything more than flag football with 10 year olds, 3 minutes on the field is a lifetime. you get tired just from the adrenaline rush, now add that to the fact that our undersized secondary is tackling a widerecieving core averaging 6 foot 3, yeah 3 minutes would make you tired.
  6. i am pretty sure the other 2 non-scores were a punt and a fumble, both put the defense back on the field and our offensive touchdowns together took a grand total of 1:20 seconds. don't get me wrong the defense sucked, but they didn't suck by themselves, our entire team just didn't click at all today.
  7. this is what i have been trying to say...the defense didn't help the offense(as far as keeping it a close game) and the offense didn't help the defense(as far as taking up time to keep the defense fresh, and consistently scoring) and special teams didn't help anyone. it was an all around loss, you can't blame it on one person.
  8. you talking to me, cuz i always knew jauron(even if he does look like a corpse) played football?
  9. yea i wrote this from my phone...what a retard!
  10. oh and I forgot to mention the long drive that made it 14-0 what was that, over 14 plays or so and then there was the fact that our offense was on the field for the next 20 seconds(i give credit to jp though, that was an exciting play). I would take a slow and steady offense over a flashy one anyday, as long as they both can score. its almost as if they gameplaned to keep our offense off the field(where have we seen this gameplan before) because our defense isn't the scoring type(at least not like tennessee's). then you have there next long drive, another 12 plays, then the offense gets another long play, jp goes in for the touchdown, defense back on the field, another long drive 13 plays, then our offense can't stay on the field with a three-and-out, are you starting to see the picture here? now why don't you go back upstairs and try to convince yourself its not your fault you have two dads, its okay i will wait.
  11. um lets see, they were covering the best widerecieving core in the game. if you saw in the begining, they couldn't run the ball, so in order to slow the game down and keep our defense on the field TO TIRE US OUT they use short slants, outs, and crossing routes. they rarely had a pass over 20 yards. basically when you are in the redzone for 8 plays(thats only 20 yards) and you can still convert, your going to tire out the defense, then when edwards got injured and lynch fumbled, the defense was back on the field again.
  12. my point exactly, we didn't make those third down stops cuz...we were tired. i am not solely blaming the offense and i am not solely blaming the defense I am saying the unsuccessfulness of one fed the unsuccessfulness of the other and visa-versa.
  13. he is definately not assertive enough, he doesn't attack the wedge and then make the cut he lets the wedge break(it inevitabley does it part of the return) and then tries to pick his allyway. I don't know if they want to save McGee for defense or what but they took a portion of our special teams completely out of the picture. so far he has been terrible.
  14. its possible we would have lost but i doubt it. I don't blame anyone, certainly not jp, for this loss. I blame the injury to trent edwards(it wasn't anyones fault) okay maybe the defense too. that injury messed everything up. it screwed up the consistency of the offense, put more pressure on our mediocre run game and kept the defense on the field too long. jp didn't play bad, he played different. our defense(yes it did suck today) is not designed to be on the field for the majority of the game. we couldn't run the ball(or block) and when we did pass for anything really positive, it was a touchdown. it was the combination of our defense sucking wind and our offenses(all parts) inability to sustain drives that really killed us. our offense is designed for the pass to set up the run, our passing game consists of 7 yard passes with our recievers running after the catch, this sets up the eventual deep-ball threat. we had no mid to short passing game, this allowed for the backers to blitz and play run defense and the secondary to strictly play pass(the long ball) they didn't need there corners to play up to protect the run on the perimeter because there linebackers were freakishly fast today and got plenty of penetration. simply put our defense was tired...very tired. it is tough to make adjustments for this because the bills werent doing anything wrong(as far as overall play). Our offense couldn't perform because there defense was very fast and because they in a sense "rusty". because the offense was rusty and couldn't stay on the field our defense was tired. yeah it sucked to lose but we now have two weeks for edwards to heal or two weeks for losmen to become more consistent. Thats a lot of time to prepare. besides our team does better under the radar anyway.
  15. what pissed me off the most was that he continued to drive his entire body weight down on edwards when the pass had already been thrown. that wasn't necessary, he could have held up. I didn't mind the hit, but intentionally driving your body weight on top of him was the dirty part.
  16. I am impressed you could right all that with JP's sack in your mouth. good job
  17. he always looks like that. lol!
  18. its great how you read that whole post and found the sentence where i specifically blamed losman. he has been better than i expected, i was stating the effect that having edwards out places on the defense. nice try though
  19. yo McKelvin freakin suck on the return, he just runs into everyone(his own players included)
  20. oh yeah bigtime. it throws off the consistencey of the offense. it puts more pressure on an already mediocre run game to perform and it extends the time our defense is on the field. not to mention the fact that every single player is in the mindset of there first string quarterback being hurt. Does the defense suck today, you bet your ass it does, but a big part of that is because the offense(while good) has not had a drive of over 5 plays. our defense sucks because it is sucking wind.
  21. depends, you guys don't realize how much edwards getting hurt really killed us, and it would be a hell of a lot easier without hearing that fruitcakes voice saying we are penalized for something when the cards happen to miss a pass.
  22. nope, for anyone who has ever played anything tougher than flag football, you will know how much the refs have on team chemistry during the game. they play a huge role and that is why you would expect them to call the game fairly, if it didn't matter, why have refs in the first place?
  23. I realize that we should be beating them and that our offense needs to be on the field and that our defense sucks, but does anyone feel like this game is being called unfairly?
  24. Look to replace royal in free agency or the draft. he royally blows!
  25. WTF? don't bring your homosexual tendensies on this site
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