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    The 99th floor of Apathy

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  1. Yes, measles spontaneously sprouted out of the ground because mennonites. You are very smart.
  2. It is 100% likely that these diseases enter these communities via immigrants. It’s time to mandate land mines at the border.
  3. Trump has reassigned the acting ICE director effective today. Keep up the pressure.
  4. This angle is likely the most important piece of the whole operation. Cripple a few businesses (and deport the owners/operators with their illegal employees) for doing this and everyone else will fall in line.
  5. You mean an executive branch agency that I’ve given my personal info to is giving access to an executive branch employee? Tibsy if you were that concerned with executive branch employees having your info you would be getting along famously with me as we demanded an end to the IRS, ATF, HHS, etc.
  6. I think they found a file for Samantha Mulder as well, but the name on the file originally was Fox Mulder.
  7. The X-Files talks about this. But I think it was West Virginia and they were tissue samples taken from test subjects.
  8. Roosevelt Chibs Tig Bonus: Venus
  9. The (really) old heads around my neck of the woods have some stories that would blow people's minds about the big pushes for diversity (read: more female and minority police) that tore through the academies back in the day.
  10. I will say I am generally against all tattoos. Oh, and resisting arrest is not "self defense."
  11. Da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba macarena Da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba macarena da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba macarena hey, Macarena!
  12. Benedict on thanksgiving? If I eat anything richer than Blue Light before thanksgiving dinner I’m not like to get enough turkey in me to make my protein goal
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